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“Hello there,” he says, bending slightly. “I’m William, and you are?”

He extends his hand and she meets him halfway, her tiny hand being swallowed up by his big one. “I’m Jasmine. You have a pretty castle. Are you looking for a queen? My mommy will make a good queen and I’ll make a good princess. I think your castle needs more pink, though. I love pink…”

He chuckles, amused, as she continues to ramble on, and I would be embarrassed, except I’m too in shock by what I’m looking at. Over the years, I imagined running into him. I knew he was from a small country in Central Europe, but Central Europe has almost two hundred million people, so I never thought it would actually happen. Still, when I was alone at night, I would close my eyes and pretend. We were at a café, waiting in line, or riding the tube. I imagined him seeing Jasmine, and me finally getting to tell him she’s his daughter. But not in a single one of those fake scenarios, did I imagine he was the king of Lexenburg and we were getting a tour of his castle… Holy shit, this is his home. He’s the king!

“…Mommy. Her name is Natalie.”

My fog-covered thoughts are cut through with her words. Her attention swings over to me and his gaze follows. Our eyes lock and Liam’s smile disappears as he recognizes me. It’s been six years, but based on the shocked expression, he remembers me.

His eyes bounce from me to her and his eyes widen, telling me he’s putting the pieces together. It’s not every day you see a Hispanic girl with bright blue eyes.

“Is she…” His words trail off, but I know what he’s asking, so I simply nod.

“Mommy,” Jasmine says, completely oblivious to the thick tension. “Can you take a picture of me and King… What’s your name again?”

Dad, I want to say. To you, he’s Dad.

Chapter Nine


Six years. It’s been six damn years since I’ve seen Natalie and she still looks as gorgeous as she did back then. Actually, I take that back. She looks even more beautiful. Aside from her current expression of shock from running into me, she looks radiant and carefree… happy. And I have a feeling that the reason for that is standing next to her handing her a digital camera so she can take a picture with me—the King of Lexenburg.

Robotically, Natalie takes the camera from her daughter and nods. Jasmine, as she called herself, steps toward me and turns around for the picture, and it hits me that I’m about to take a picture with my daughter. My own flesh and blood, who I had no idea about. Suddenly a bitter taste infiltrates my mouth.

This woman kept my child from me.

I had no idea about her.

I’ve missed everything in her life.

After Natalie snaps the photo and Jasmine takes the camera from her to check it out, I call my assistant over, who’s waiting for me. I only make an appearance a couple times a year and one of those days is on my dad’s birthday. He loved this country and the people, and to honor him I spend the day meeting them and taking photos with them.

“Your Majesty,” Stephanie says, slightly bowing in respect. We’ve been friends for years, our families close, and when I’m not working, she addresses me informally. But in front of everyone, we keep things formal, by the book.

“The woman in the cream-colored top and her daughter…”


“I need you to escort them over to the Garden Estate.”

Her brows scrunch up in confusion. The Garden Estate is where my home is located. Nobody but family goes there, especially not tourists.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” she says after a moment.

“Good morning.” She greets Natalie and Jasmine. “Can you two please come with me?”

Natalie’s gaze volleys over to me and I nod slightly, asking her to do as she’s being asked. The last thing I need is for a scene to be caused. Thankfully, they were the last tourists and everyone has begun to move on to the next room.

“Mommy, where are we going?” Jasmine asks, as Stephanie guides them away from everyone else.

Once I see they’re in the clear, I approach my guards. “There’s been a change of plans. I need to go to the Garden Estate. I can go on my own. Thank you.”

The three men nod, even though I’m sure they’re confused. Stephanie keeps my schedule organized and I almost never cancel my engagements. I pride myself on being reliable and punctual. It’s the way my dad and mom both were as king and queen… My heart tightens in my chest.

My mom. She has a granddaughter. One she doesn’t know about. One who was born out of wedlock. I groan on the inside, imagining the lecture I’m going to get. I push it aside quickly, though. I have a daughter. And right now that’s all I care about.

Tags: Nikki Ash Romance