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“So it is a courtship, then?” asked Mary.

Elizabeth sighed. “I suppose, yes. He took me for a drive in the Park yesterday.”

“That’s wonderful, Elizabeth! Lord Hastings would be a fine catch.” Mary turned her eager grey eyes to Rose. “Have you planned any events to help encourage his suit?”

Rose visibly stood a little straighter under Mary’s watchful gaze. It nearly made Elizabeth laugh. It would seem she wasn’t the only one who felt as if she needed to add an extra inch or two to her person when Mary was looking on. “I had considered throwing a dinner party.”

Elizabeth noticed Vienna crinkle her little nose.

Mary noticed, too. “You don’t think a dinner party will suit, Vie?” Vie? Mary even had an endearing name for her friend? Elizabeth was painfully aware of her jealousy. It didn’t suit her. But she couldn’t help it. Mary had never even shortened Elizabeth to Lizzie. Actually, Oliver and Papa were the only ones to ever call her by that name.

“Dinner parties are just so…ordinary and boring, don’t you think?” Unfortunately, Elizabeth did agree with Vienna. And she knew that Rose would as well. But she was feeling just petty enough not to agree out loud.

“What do you suggest?” asked Mary, looking to her friend as if she held the keys to the world.

Vienna put a finger to her lips in thought. Most women only did such things when trying to make themselves appear more attractive or seductive. But somehow, Elizabeth knew that, for Vienna, the look was one of genuine contemplation. It was very difficult not to like her. But Elizabeth was giving it her best effort.

Vienna’s finger popped into the air, her bright green eyes sparking with an idea. “A riding party!”

“A riding party?” asked Elizabeth.

Mary’s grey eyes lit up. “To Charlotte’s house for a picnic!” It seemed Mary and Vienna could communicate telepathically. “That was such a hit when we were young.”

“Exactly my thought. The weather has been so wonderfully mild as of late, and her house is only an hour’s ride from Town. I think Lord Hastings would enjoy an expedition, and from everything that I’ve heard of Elizabeth”—Vienna looked up at her—“you would more than enjoy an event that keeps you moving rather than seated at a stuffy table.” Must she pretend that she knew Elizabeth so well? And must she be so spot on? But she was wrong about one thing.

“I’m not sure. I don’t think that Lord Hastings would enjoy it as much as you think.” After all, he had told her himself that he preferred to avoid riding as much as possible.

Mary spoke up quickly, waving a dismissive hand. “Nonsense, he’ll love it. Everyone loves to ride. Rose, I’ll handle writing to our friend, Lady Stanton, and arrange the whole thing. I will even handle sending out the invitations so you won’t need to do a single thing other than show up.” How did Rose feel about Mary bowling her over? Relieved, by the looks of it. Apparently Elizabeth was the only one who felt annoyed.

“Mary, I think it would be better for everyone if we—”

“Darling, you mustn’t worry your head about it. I know sitting still and planning is not your forte,” Mary said, forcing Elizabeth’s hands to clench at her sides. “I’ll take care of everything.”

“But you should really be resting. Wasn’t this sort of thing exactly what the doctor intended for you to avoid by placing you on bedrest?”

Mary’s face darkened. The smile she had been wearing a moment ago faded and a cloud hovered in her eyes. “I’m well enough to handle writing letters, Elizabeth.” Her clipped tone felt like salt in the wound Mary had inflicted on Elizabeth several days ago.

The whole room felt tense. Everyone seemed to suddenly find their shoes extremely interesting.

“I didn’t mean to offend you. I simply want to care for you and the ba—”

“Of course she wasn’t offended,” Vienna interjected with too bright of a smile. She leaned over and patted Mary’s hand. “And this is just what our Mary needs to help pass these dreadfully boring days. Now everyone shoo and allow Mary and I to get to work.” Vienna was going to help Mary? Of course she was.

Elizabeth watched Mary lift her hand and reach for her full midsection, but as if deciding against it, froze and laid her hand back down beside her. It broke Elizabeth’s heart. Mary was hiding her hurt. It irked her that Vienna seemed to be the newest blockade between Elizabeth and her sister.

But then again…perhaps Vienna was better suited to care for Mary than she was. She certainly seemed to know her better.

“You’re sure you don’t need my help?” asked Elizabeth, both fearful and hopeful that Mary would see the concern in her eyes.

However, Mary was too busy rearranging her skirts to look up. “Never you mind, darling. Vienna and I will get it all taken care of and send a note over with all of the details.”

Elizabeth nodded. Everyone said their goodbyes and began filing out of the room. Elizabeth stopped when she heard Mary say, “Oh, yes. Oliver Turner must definitely be invited.”

Elizabeth whipped around. “No!” But she shrunk back a little from Mary and Vienna’s wide eyes. “I mean…no, do not invite Oliver.”

“Why ever not?” That was a very good question. One with an answer that could not be spoken aloud.

“He…has been under the weather. And you know Oliver. If he’s invited he will most definitely attend. But…I think it would only hinder his recovery.” It was a bold-faced lie. However, Elizabeth couldn’t bring herself to care at the moment. Her only objective was to ensure that Oliver Turner would be forced to keep his distance and give her enough space to fall in love with Lord Hastings.

Tags: Sarah Adams Dalton Family Historical