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Yeah, he’d walked into that one.

Luke chuckled. “So why go to so much trouble? You could just pick up some other girl.”

“Shut up. This one is worth the hassle and you know it,” Fox growled, slicing through the seams of the seat, even though they didn’t look tampered with. He was running out of places to look, and the destruction was soothing his annoyance. How could she have hidden something so thoroughly? “I have an overwhelming urge to spank her and make her like it.”

Atlas barked a laugh. “Yeah, she’s hot and cocky. Add that she’s mouthy and she’s a male’s wet dream. Well . . . the way we like our women anyway. Hard to control. So what makes you think you can make her like it?”

“You know how it is.”

“Kinkdar mixed with a healthy dose of wishful thinking?”



Luke surveyed the car detritus scattered all over the lawn and grimaced, then looked thoughtful. “Yeah, she’s totally worth this.”

Frustrated, Fox reached into the car and yanked off the rearview mirror, looked it over, then tossed it onto one of the piles. “As much as I hate to admit it, the little shit may have bested me. I have no idea where the fuck she could have hidden it. I give up.”

He’d have to rely on charm to lure her into his bed again. She seemed to like his attention, but winning the bet would have cut through all of the wooing bullshit. Normally he wouldn’t mind the cat and mouse game, but he was impatient to play with her. The way she sassed him but yielded so thoroughly made him want to skip the preliminaries. Explaining BDSM to curious vanilla girls had its charm, but taming a girl like Addison was more exhilarating.

With a sigh, he pulled his phone from his pocket. Her name was first on his contacts list. He texted I give up. You win. Now get your sexy ass over here. I have a job for you.

She replied right away.

Mwuahahaha. Did you say I won? As in, I outFOXed you?

He rolled his eyes. Yeah yeah. You’re gonna tell me exactly how you did it too.

“How are you gonna get in her pants now, genius?” Atlas asked, smirking at him.

“I have other . . . qualities.” He stared at his phone, waiting for her next sassy reply. He couldn’t remember being excited just to get a text from a girl before. But he found himself eager to read each flirty word.

“Other qualities?” Luke snorted. “Having a dick isn’t a quality. Neither is being one.”

“It is to some people.” He got the feeling Addison wouldn’t make it so easy. His text alert beeped and he looked down.

No can do. Magician’s secret.

He’d see about that. Half an hour tied up, helpless, and at his mercy and he’d have her talking, and that was if he was taking his sweet time. The things he could do to make her scream . . .

“Dude.” Atlas snapped his fingers in front of his face. “What the hell are you doing?”

God, this girl was getting to him. “Fuck off,” he replied, but more to his sex drive than to his brother.

Today, he had the perfect test for little Miss Addison. He hoped she was a good actress. He typed a message and sent it.

What time can you get here?

I’m on my way.

Excellent. Wear something nice. We’re going shopping.

He wondered if she’d ever gone beyond skulking through parking lots at night to steal a car. Today, he’d show her another way. He just hoped her acting skills were decent.

Twenty minutes later, as he started putting the car back together as best he could, Addison pulled into the driveway.

“Wow.” She stepped over pieces of metal and seat upholstery that were strewn across the lawn. “What happened to your car?”

Tags: Sparrow Beckett Masters of Adrenaline Erotic