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“I’m gonna go take a shower,” Dru said and patted Boar’s ass, pushing back his lush hair. “See you at the party tonight.”

Boar didn’t have the energy to ask about specifics, and hugged Matt tighter. “See you. Th-thank you?” There he was. Back to being a doofus. Maybe one day he’d manage not to make shit awkward.

“You’re welcome,” Dru said, but snorted right after. “In my ass.”

Matt laughed against Boar’s ear, too busy kissing his neck to wave at their third.

But once the door shut, they were on their own again, and Boar’s heart beat faster at the silence that ensued. Seconds ago, he was at a high point, but he felt like he was about to drop all the way to Hell, fast. As amazing as this morning had been, his future was still shaky.

“I can hear you thinking,” Matt whispered, pulling away slightly to look at him.

Boar swallowed. “What happens now?”

Matt rested his cheek on his arm. He wasn’t model-pretty. His teeth were too big, his eyebrows—tattooed-on flames, but Boar still felt like he’d never met a more handsome man. That smile that promised mischief? He was already in love with it.

“What do you mean?” Matt asked.

“I’m guessing this is a usual thing for you?” He squeezed Matt’s hand and rolled yet closer, still amazed at touching a man’s naked body.

Matt remained still for several moments before he spoke. “Which part?”

“Getting a stranger into bed?”

Matt laughed, lazily stretching his body. “Yes. No point in denying myself something that feels so good.”

Boar ran his fingers over the muscular stomach so unlike his own. “Do you mind if I catch a breath before I go?” He didn’t want the resignation to resonate in his voice, but it was hard to deny it when the alternative to the warm mattress with this amazing man was sleeping in a park. At least he’d have a lot to remember.

Matt bit his lip and stroked his thumb across Boar’s cheekbone. “Where are you going? I thought you didn’t have a place.”

Boar couldn’t meet Matt’s eyes, too embarrassed by his position in life, yet too greedy to move away. “I don’t know. But you don’t owe me anything. I’d hate to be a burden.”

Matt’s face hardened. “Will you stop this? This isn’t the first time you’re saying some self-deprecating bullshit.”

Boar’s gaze snapped up to him. “Wh-what do you mean?”

“If I wanted you gone, I’d have told you to go. Why would you be a burden? Why would you even say that? I don’t like being dramatic, but last night? I could have died if you weren’t there. So stop this right now,” Matt said and rolled to his stomach, hiding the lower part of his face behind his arm.

Boar licked his lips and smiled at the sight of Matt’s well-shaped ass. He was wanted here. “Are you saying I can stay a while?” he asked with growing confidence. “I really like you. I know we just met, but wow. You’re something else, Matt. I feel like… like I’ve been missing you all my life.”

Matt exhaled, glaring at him. “Funny you say that. Because when I woke up, I had this deja vu. Like I knew you forever. Of course you can stay,” he added, slapping Boar’s ass.

Boar’s heart filled with so much joy he could hardly contain it, and he descended on Matt with a hug, no longer holding back his emotions. “Thanks for taking my virginity. Kind of.”

Matt laughed and hugged him back, his hands wandering all over Boar’s back. “I totally did. Dru wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me. And this mattress is too big for one person anyway.”

Boar pulled a blanket over them, bumping his forehead against Matt’s. “You think this can work if we both like to top?” He wanted confirmation, because he’d found it exhilarating to share a guy between them. It blew his mind in ways he’d never imagined possible.

Matt shrugged. “Anything can work if we want it to,” he said, as if they were already discussing details of a relationship. As if their connection wasn’t just about friendship. As if they were to be together. “You’re also ridiculously cuddly, so I’m loving it.”

Boar grinned and leaned in for a kiss. “We definitely want to make it work.”

The end

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Tags: K.A. Merikan Four Mercenaries Erotic