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Boar snorted and combed back his tousled mane of red hair. “Nah. Me and him? We’re not super compatible in terms of sex, so sharing boys is kinda our thing.”

Clover grinned and stood on his toes to kiss Boar’s lips. He slid his fingers into the coarse beard as their lips met, and only spoke when they parted. “Thanks for checking up on me.”

Boar grunted, and his hands briefly rested on Clover’s ass, pulling him so close their hips rubbed together. “I think we’ll all enjoy this trip north. Now pick anything you like,” he said, giving Clover’s ass a brief squeeze.

Clover hesitated, unsure if he wasn’t misstepping. “So… Boar? Where’s the nickname from?”

Boar grinned and pulled down his lower lip revealing protruding canines. “Used to be much worse back at school before I had braces. I took the nickname in stride. Best you can do really.”

Clover snorted, imagining a guy like Boar wearing braces. It somehow put him at ease, made the whole thing more normal, and with Boar’s help, he chose the ingredients, throwing in a wild card of his own—sesame seeds. When they went back into the kitchen, Pyro’s gaze followed Clover’s every move.

“So you burn in the sun easily?” he asked.

Boar blinked, placing all the products he chose on the counter by the stove. “Right. We need to buy you some sunscreen. And clothes.”

“He does look cute in that dress,” Pyro said and nudged Drake, who stepped away as if the touch burned him, but said nothing.

Clover was more relaxed by the second. He’d get new clothes, he’d be fed, and he’d have a bed to sleep in until he stood on his own two feet again. This would work. “Is albinism your fetish, Pyro?”

The man barked out a laugh. “You really do have a mouth on you. I like stuff that looks different, and you’re pretty unique, gotta give you that. Your eyelashes are so cute I just wanna eat you up. Literally. Can’t wait to eat your ass again.”

Boar grinned and broke the eggs before mixing them in a bowl.. “Knock yourself out. All of him is sweet like a meringue with cream.”

Clover’s gaze briefly met Tank’s, who watched him with an amused expression. Maybe this was exactly the kind of rattling Clover’s life needed. Even if just for a while, he would be Tank’s boy and love every second of it. He would attach himself to those competent men and stay safe. Away from Jerry, away from his cheating ex, and far away from Arizona. He didn’t know where this path would lead him, but it was a clean start.

Boar instructed him to put butter in the pan, and then showed him how to stir the eggs with his big hand over Clover’s as if they were two characters in a rom-com.

This would work.

He wasn’t even in a hurry to reach New York.

Chapter 6 - Clover

Tank had beautiful hands. They were large, veiny and had a bit of hair on their backs. Seeing them squeeze the steering wheel was distracting Clover from the easy conversation they were having. The empty landscape, no matter how beautiful, provided little stimulation, so Clover focused on his new Daddy.

He’d never looked for older guys, too distrustful of those with power, and finding it easier to find a fuck within his own age group, but maybe he’d been wrong. Maybe a guy like Tank was exactly what Clover needed.

After he’d been saved from Riggs, fucked and fed, he’d slept for eighteen hours straight, and when he’d woken up, there was a glass of water and painkillers on the bedside table. The guys hadn’t rushed Clover or woken him up, leaving him to recover at his own pace.

They’d started their journey once Clover had had some more food, and Tank had shown him so much affection it was hard to imagine that the guy was part of a crew of mercenaries who’d killed two people just last night. When the guys had told him they’d be taking a longer route to New York for safety, Clover welcomed that information with open arms. He was in no rush to be on his own again.

Clover ran his fingertips over the inked designs on Tank’s forearms. “How long do you have to train to get muscles like this?”

Tank snorted, squeezing Clover’s thigh. The road was practically empty, with the exception of their three vehicles, so there was no reason for him not to focus some of his attention on Clover.

“Years and years. Started out in high school. Bulked up in the army. Got even bigger once I became an independent contractor. Why? You wanna get into that?”

Clover laughed and pulled his feet up onto the seat. With all the guys having feet like kayaks, he was stuck in a pair of women’s flip flops until he could buy some sneakers. “Nah, but I’d like to do something like calisthenics. I’m a good runner, too. I had a boyfriend who did parkour for a while. But yeah, you. I thought you looked like an army kind of guy. But you seem pretty young. Did you quit? How does that work?”

Tags: K.A. Merikan Four Mercenaries Erotic