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But when I told Travis, he merely laughed and pressed a kiss to my back buttonhole later that night.

“Oh my god!” I squealed.

“Are you still hung up on that?” he asked before giving my rump a fond swat. “No part of you is off limits to me, Caitlin. All of this is mine.”

And then he proceeded to take me so thoroughly that I couldn’t remember my own name. That’s how our loving is, and in the mornings, my body is often coated and filled with his seed.

But it’s more than just a physical connection because we get along great. We talk all the time, and he’s given me so much advice about my business that I’m grateful. It’s like having a mentor, in addition to a man who loves me. I can’t imagine life without him now, and turn back to my sewing machine with a happy smile.

Suddenly, my phone buzzes and I see Cammie’s number on the screen.

“Hey girlfriend,” I greet.

Cammie giggles.

“Hey stranger, long time no talk!”

“I know, I’m sorry. I’ve been busy.”

“No worries, I know how it is. I met Travis that once, remember? Although he had only eyes for you the whole time I was there.”

“No!” I giggle. “He really liked meeting you!”

I can almost hear Cammie rolling her eyes.

“Girl, that man couldn’t tear his gaze away from your sassy form, he’s so crazy about you. But guess what? I’ve been busy, too. I got a job!”

My eyes widen. “Really? Where?”

Cammie laughs.

“The diner. It’s not much, but I make decent tips at least.”

I shake my head.

“But what do your brothers do while you’re away?”

“Mom and Dad decided that Les, Winston and Mikey are old enough to stay home alone. Les is eleven after all, so he can help take care of our younger siblings.”

“We were alone long before that,” I say.

Cammie chortles.

“Exactly. If we figured it out, they’ll figure it out too. Besides, I’m helping out with bills too, and I know my parents really appreciate it. Hopefully, if things go smoothly, I’ll be able to get my own place soon.”

“That’d be nice. Being on your own is very liberating, and a great feeling.”

Cammie giggles. “You’re not quite alone though, girlfriend, even though that mansion is ginormous. How is Travis, by the way?”

“He’s great. He’s at work right now.”

“I figured. Maybe one of these nights when I’m not working, we can have dinner again. It’s been a while, girlfriend!”

Yes, that’s definitely true, and I begin to invite Cammie over. But then, she casually asks, “So how long are you going to be staying with Travis though? I know it started because Fiona kicked you out, and all that. But now, things are better, right? Plus, you could get a job too, and then maybe we could live together?” she asks hopefully. “Split the rent?”

My heart sinks. To be honest I haven’t given my arrangement much thought. It’s been so nice living and making love with Travis, that I’ve been floating along in a fantasyland. I bite my lip. “That sounds great, but I’m not sure, actually. Maybe I’ll move out next year?”

Cammie is quiet for a minute

“What is it, Cam? I can tell something’s on your mind. Please say something.”

“Well, I mean ...”

I frown.


“Well Caity, don’t you want a real boyfriend? You know, one who doesn’t hide you away?”

The words hit me like a bullet. “What do you mean?”

“Come on, Cait, don’t be dense. You know exactly what I mean. He hides you away in his mansion. You walk around in lingerie just for him! And remember, there was that one time he made you crawl to him naked before feeding you scraps from the table like a dog.”

I pause before defending myself.

“Yes, but the scraps were actually caviar!” I say, blushing at the memory.

Cammie sighs.

“I know, and it sounds very 9 ½ Weeks. But seriously, Caity, don’t you think you deserve something better? I mean, does Travis ever crawl to you naked, and then you feed him scraps?”

That shuts me up. Of course the reverse doesn’t happen because Travis is always the one in charge, full stop.

“See?” Cam says, her voice light. “It’s not a give and take type of thing. You guys aren’t equals, and you won’t be so long as you’re living under his roof like this.”

I go totally silent.

“I know it’s not traditional,” I finally speak. “But it’s not wrong either.”

“Of course not,” Cammie says in a conciliatory voice. “In fact, I’m jealous of your sexual escapades. But what about all the other stuff? Does Travis take you out on dates? Does he introduce you to his friends? How much do you even know about this guy?”

The answers to Cammie’s questions aren’t going to satisfy her because yes, we do go out, but when we do, we usually have a private table in the back where no one else can see us. Plus, I’ve never met any of the billionaire’s friends, and never met a single member of his family either. It’s just not part of the deal.

Tags: Cassandra Dee Erotic