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Had I heard him correctly? After all, we’d all been in the throes of a pre-climax. Had he really said what I thought he’d said? I knew I was his. He was totally possessive about me in that way and I was all in for that. But the pregnant part? That was a completely different story. I was not all in for that at all. Besides, I was on the pill so it wasn’t even a remote possibility. I hadn’t missed a day since I’d been taking those things. And that had been years. I had nothing to worry about, right? Maybe I needed to clarify that with him.

“Ryan, what exactly did you mean by that bit about knowing who got me pregnant? I’m more than a little curious about that.”

He was currently more interested in cleaning his dick up and wouldn’t look at me.

“Ryan? I think the after-sex clean-up can wait. Will you answer me?”

“Um, I’m going to grab some lunch,” Ian said from behind me.

I turned around to face him. “No, you don’t. You aren’t going anywhere.” My finger jabbed him in the chest. “You two evidently share everything, including me. What do you know about this?”

“Chloe, I don’t… I think Ryan should explain.”

“Ian, I want you to tell me because the other person in this room has lost his ability to speak.”

Ryan’s voice finally came to me over my shoulder. “Ian can leave, and I promise to explain everything.”

It only took a second for Ian to hustle his ass out of his own office.

After taking a deep breath, Ryan said, “Chloe, please have a seat.” He gestured over to a chair. I gave him the stink-eye before I sat down.

Then he started with, “I guess I got carried away and I’m sorry. But the thing is, when I’m with you I want to own all of you and that sounds as crazy as it is. I shouldn’t have said that. But I don’t want Ian to have that part of you. He can do everything else, but when it comes to sticking his cock in your pussy, that’s off limits.”

What was he saying? Ian and I had already been together so what difference did it make? But then I thought back to our weekend together and… “Ian and I never…”

“No, never. He did other things but not that. I was too possessive of you even then. I told him that first night it could be us three, but he couldn’t have your pussy, except for his mouth.”

“But why?”

“I just told you. I’m a little possessive with it. That’s a part of you I refuse to share. And since we’re on the subject, he’s the only man I want to share the rest of you with.”

“Wait. Don’t my feelings count for something?”

“Not where your pussy is concerned.”

He had just crossed the line. I jumped to my feet and my finger came out. “One, it’s my pussy, not yours. What I do with it is my business, not yours. If I want to fuck Ian, I’ll fuck Ian, thank you very much. You don’t own me, Ryan, and you never will. Are we clear on this?”

He stepped in my path. “No, we are not clear on this. You and I have an understanding. I asked you who this belonged to”—he grabbed my pussy—“and you said it was mine. I claimed it and now I own it.”

“You can’t be serious?” I asked.

“Why can’t I? I told you this over and over. And you said it back to me. I’m dead serious.”

“Because. It’s absolutely crazy, that’s why.”

“Not to me.”

“Yes, it is. You don’t own anything of mine. Period.” I had to get out of here. His possessiveness was past believability. Yes, I had said those things, but I hadn’t meant for him to take me literally.

As I walked toward the door, he asked, “Where are you going?”

“Back to work. Back to the world of reality and away from all this fantastical make-believe crap.”

He stalked me like an animal would his prey. “This is no fantasy, Chloe. It’s real and I’m not make-believe.” Then he cupped my head with both hands and kissed me. It was raw. It was wild. He demanded and I gave. He was too hard to resist when he dominated me like this. I was the clay and he molded me into whatever he wanted. But the strange thing was I wanted him to. I would’ve begged him to if I had to.

My back slammed against the wall as his greedy mouth took control of mine. I was reminded of how he sometimes fucked me, hard and brutally. I wanted him like that. But he pulled away. His hand lifted my dress, and his fingers probed my opening.

“This. Is. Mine. Remember that, Chloe.” Then he stepped away and left me alone, hot and panting. I was dripping with need and I knew a few rubs of my clit would take me where I needed to go, but the emptiness afterward wouldn’t be worth it. Instead, I straightened out my clothing, smoothed my hair, and left Ian’s office, stopping in the first women’s restroom I could find.

Tags: Terri E. Laine Cocky Billionaire Billionaire Romance