Page 59 of Ashton Scott

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She leans her arms on the table. “Do you want him?”

“Yes, but—”

“No buts. I’m not letting you get away with that this time.”

“Sienna, I might want to screw him, but that doesn’t mean we should date.” I stand and gather the documents in front of me. “I appreciate what you’re doing, but Ashton’s not the man for me.”

“So that’s the end of it? Just like that?”

“Yes. I’ve got his sex toys here to give back to him and then we’re done. And now, I have to get ready for my meeting. Stan will be here in about five minutes.”

“That’s the guy who wants you to invest in his resort?”

“Yeah, the one he’s building on the Gold Coast.”

She stands and places her hand on my arm. Meeting my gaze, she says, “I doubt you’ve seen the last of Ashton, babe. Like seriously, he doesn’t seem like a man who just gives up. I hope you’re ready for that.”

“I know he won’t, but I’m ready. I think the main thing with Ashton will to always be one step ahead of him and to try to catch him when he’s not expecting me. That’s why after my meeting I’m going to actually go to his office and drop those toys off.”

She grins. “You’re playing offence.”

I return her smile. “I’m pretty sure it’s the only type of play when your opponent is Ashton Scott.”

A deep voice sounds from the doorway. “It’s a smart move, but when your opponent is Ashton Scott, you need to remember one thing, Lorelei. He’s the one playing offence.”

His voice hits me first and then his smell.

And as I turn to face him, catching the three-piece suit he’s wearing, and the good looks he couldn’t hide even if he tried, I know he’s right. While I wanted to be the one who was a step ahead, Ashton is probably about five steps ahead already.

He watches me intently as he moves closer. “Shall we get started?”

I frown. “Started with what?”

“With the meeting.” He checks his watch. “I know I’m a minute or so early, and that Stan isn’t here yet, but you and I can get started.”

My heart beats faster. “You’re part of the deal?”

A slow smile spreads across his face. “Stan didn’t tell you? I signed up this morning.”

I stare at him.

For a long few moments.

Goddam it.

I am so far from playing offence it isn’t funny.



Lorelei glares at me like she wants to strangle me. “This wasn’t what I agreed to with Stan.” Christ, her fight turns me on. I would have paid double what Stan needed on this deal just to ensure I could work with her.

I run my gaze down her body.


Deliberately so.

Tags: Nina Levine Romance