Page 55 of Ashton Scott

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I lean forward and rest my elbows on my thighs. “I imagine that’s how this is going to go for a while, Aly. At least while you two get all the shit out into the open.”

“I know! And it’s why I didn’t want to do it. What if he decides he hates me and can’t live with me?”

“How could anyone decide that, Alessandra?” Jack asks as he enters the living room and sits next to me on the sofa.

Aly rolls her eyes. “You only say that because you’ve had a crush on me your whole life, Jack. This is my husband we’re talking about. The man who shares a house with me and puts up with all my shit. There’re no rose-coloured glasses there.”

Jack chuckles and I drink some more Scotch. “It’s all true. I have had a crush on you for that long. Maybe if Malcolm leaves you, I could finally have a shot.”

My phone buzzes with a text message and I leave them to their conversation so I can check it.

Jessica: Your father is doing the rounds on Willow Street trying to buy up property.

Me: Where did you hear this?

Jessica: I just had drinks with your new real estate agent, Sian. It only took me three drinks and some sweet talk to get it out of her.

Me: Leave it with me.

Jessica: Oh, I was planning to. I’ve got better things to do now. You’re not the only one who’s getting lucky today.

“Was that Lorelei?” Jack asks.

I glance at him before directing my attention to Alessandra. “No, it was Jessica who has informed me that Dad is trying to buy up properties on Willow Street. What do you know about this?”

She sighs. “God, Ashton,

let it go. I keep telling you this. It’s not good for your mental health.”

My shoulders tense. “You knew about this?”

“I heard rumours, yes, but I haven’t spoken to him about it yet.”

I push up off the sofa. “Fuck, Aly. You knew I wanted to be kept up-to-date with this.”

She stands too and glares at me. “I did. And I also know that you should stay well clear of anything he’s got going on. You two are toxic when you get mixed up in this stuff.”

My phone rings and I stab at it without checking caller ID. Holding Alessandra’s gaze, I bark, “Yes?”

There’s a pause before Lorelei’s voice sounds. “Have I done something to piss you off?”

I rake my fingers through my hair. “No, I thought you were Jessica.”

“And you answer your phone like that to your assistant?” She sounds less than impressed with me.

“No. You caught me in a bad moment.”

“What’s going on?”

“It’s nothing. Are you home?”

“Ashton, it’s hardly nothing. You practically bit my head off just now.”

Forcing out a harsh breath, I say, “I just discovered something about my father that irritated me.”

“Oh, God, your father. He came to see me.”

I frown. “When?”

Tags: Nina Levine Romance