Page 53 of Ashton Scott

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“Well, I figured I have to. You seem to like it.”

He stares down at me as he pushes me closer and closer to another orgasm. His muscles flex as he holds his powerful body over mine, giving me what I asked for—the kind of sex a girl doesn’t recover from fast.

I grip him harder when his pace picks up even more. Our bodies move in perfect rhythm together until my orgasm finally tears through me.

Takes me high.

So high.

And then I’m gliding.

The pleasure wraps itself around me.

All I know is that bliss.

It shatters me.

I come completely apart in Ashton’s arms.

Time stands still.

When I eventually come to, he’s stopped moving, his cock still fills me, and his head has dropped to my shoulder.

I slide my hands across his shoulders and down his arms. Ashton has the biggest arms I’ve ever seen on a man and I take a moment to touch them. My mind is still righting itself after that orgasm just wiped all sense from me, and I linger in this moment for a beat.

Just him and me.

He lifts his head and finds my gaze. I’m not sure what I see in his eyes, but he watches me with an expression I haven’t seen from him yet.

Catching my lips, he kisses me. “For the record, I do like your dirty talk. I’d planned hours of exploring your body before I fucked you again, but you pushed me over the edge faster than I thought you would.” He drops his gaze to my lips. “This mouth is full of surprises.”

I trail my fingers over his lips. “You like surprises?”

“No, I don’t, but it seems you have a way of challenging everything I know and turning it on its ass.”

I have no idea what he means by that, but I don’t have the energy for a deep conversation right now, so I simply smile up at him. “I like surprises. Just so you know.”

He pulls out of me and pushes himself off the bed. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he says before leaving the room.

I roll onto my side and wait for him to return. My entire body is worn out and sleep beckons, but I’m determined not to fall asleep.

I came here to spend the whole day with Ashton; there’s no way I’m spending any of it sleeping.



Holding the phone against my ear, I watch Lorelei sleep. She passed out after I fucked her the second time and she hasn’t woken up since. That was a couple of hours ago. I’d been just about to wake her up when Jessica phoned me with an urgent issue I needed to take care of. So I let her sleep.

“You’re heading into the office now?” Jessica asks over the phone.

“Yes, I need to sort this out before it escalates.” It’s a million-dollar-at-least problem if I don’t fix it today so I have no other choice.

“Is Lorelei pissed?”

“I doubt it.”

“You haven’t told her you’re leaving yet?”

Tags: Nina Levine Romance