Page 40 of Ashton Scott

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His eyes search mine. “I’ve had two relationships in my life that lasted more than a couple of months. The first one was for a year and the second one lasted four years. That one ended about twelve months ago. I’m won’t lie, I’ve dated a lot of women in between.” I love his honesty and his willingness to share that information with me.

“It wasn’t that I necessarily wanted to know all that, Ashton. I was just wondering how any woman you’d been with wouldn’t want to know how your day was. But I didn’t want to ask that because it felt too soon to bring up a discussion on your women. And—” My mouth snaps shut before I admit what I was about to and I pray he lets it go. Of course, he doesn’t.

“And what?”

“God, why do you have to be so demanding?”

“Because I want to know everything going on in that beautiful mind of yours. You can tell me anything, Lorelei. There’s no judgement here.”

I still at his words. “How do you do that?” I ask quietly.


“Get inside my head like that.”

“You blushed repeatedly. It was a guess. Getting inside your head is something I’m still trying to do because believe me, you’re one of the only women I’ve ever met whose head I can’t seem to get in.” And there he goes again—impressing me with his honesty.

My body relaxes and I loop my arms around his neck before my mouth finds his. His lips part and my tongue sweeps over his as I shift closer to him. He deepens the kiss and runs his hands down my back to settle under my ass.

I could kiss Ashton for hours.

I could get lost in him.

And I’m sure I would except for the fact someone knocks on his front door.

“Fuck,” he mutters when he ends the kiss. He lifts me with him when he stands, and deposits me on the floor. “Don’t move. I’m getting rid of whoever it is and you’re going to practice your sexy talk.”

My eyes remain glued to the wide expanse of his back as he walks away. I sigh. That suit.

When I can no longer see him, I take a seat on the sofa and attempt to get my thoughts and emotions under control. Tonight has not gone the way I thought it would. Not even close. But I feel like in all my awkwardness we made some headway. Ashton managed to put me at ease, which is something not many men achieve. I might be a hopeless romantic and always searching for my soul mate, but I guard my heart ferociously, essentially closing a part of it off. The part that allows me to be completely vulnerable with a man. I’m pretty sure Ashton is going to attempt to demolish that wall.

He returns to the living room with Alessandra in tow. Her eyes widen when she sees me. Smacking her brother’s arm, she says, “I knew you had a woman. And thank fuck she’s a good one this time.” She pauses before adding, “Now, get me a drink, Ashton. Lorelei and I have a lot to catch up on.”

I can’t help it; I burst out laughing. Ashton’s sister is a breath of fresh air in life. I have no idea why she’s here, but I do know that tonight’s about to get really interesting.



As I watch Lorelei with Alessandra, it strikes me how little I know about her. And just how much I want to know about her. I might know all the superficial things that Jessica dug up, but not the important stuff. Things I’ve never really cared to know about a woman before.

What inspires her to strive for her dreams?

What wakes her up in the middle of the night in a sweat?

What is her greatest regret in life?

Who she gave her heart to the first time?

“Ashton, did you hear what I just said?” Alessandra asks, drawing me from my thoughts.

I drink the rest of the Scotch sitting in front of me and give them my full attention. “No.”

“I said I want you and Lorelei to come for dinner this week.” She looks at me expectantly and I know I have no hope of avoiding this. Alessandra has never taken it upon herself to become involved in my relationships; she clearly wants to with this one. And stubbornness runs in our family.

“Next week,” I fire back. I want Lorelei to myself this week.

Alessandra’s mouth spreads out in amusement. “Oh, you didn’t hear the part where she said yes already? To this week.”

Tags: Nina Levine Romance