Page 28 of Ashton Scott

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“He wasn’t anything like Ashton.”

“Sure he was. Well, except for the asshole bit, he definitely wasn’t that. But he was confident and sexy as hell.”

I shake my head. “Boston was many things, but he wasn’t as…. God, I don’t even know what the right word is. Ashton is so in your fa

ce. He’s—”


I laugh. “Yeah, bossy. But so much more than that, too. He’s the kind of man you can’t help noticing the minute he walks into a room. He’s powerful. I can’t do powerful.”

She grins. “Well, powerful can definitely do you.”

I drink some coffee before admitting what I’m truthfully scared of. “I don’t want to be consumed by a man. You know what I’m like.” I have this way of losing myself when I’m with a man and I don’t want to do that again.

“I do. Your inner hopeless romantic does tend to take over sometimes and lead you astray. But you won’t know unless you try, babe. I say give him a go. And honestly? I think you need a powerful man like Ashton in your life. You’re too strong and independent yourself to have anyone less. Boston walked away when he should have fought for you. I have no idea what is down the track for you and Ashton, but if you guys get serious, I could never see him giving up without a fight.”

“Oh, God, he’d just bulldoze his way through. That’s a whole other problem with him. I don’t want to be pushed into anything.”

“Okay, let’s calm down and be rational here. You’re thinking too much. Just have sex with the guy and see if you like it. He might suck in bed and then all this worry would be for nothing.”

I pull a face. “You seriously think Ashton would suck in bed?”

Her eyes sparkle with humour. “I’m not the one who he fucked with his mouth, so I have nothing to base my opinion on, but I’d say no, I don’t think he’d suck in bed. One has to test these things, though. Am I right?”

“You know I’m not a fan of jumping straight into bed. I want to get to know him first.”

She rolls her eyes. “Of course you do.” Her sarcasm fills the air.

“There’s nothing wrong with slowing things down,” I mutter. We’ve had this discussion many times. I’m pretty sure we’ll never agree on it.

“And there’s nothing wrong with taking a test drive.”

As I sit thinking about what she’s said, I wonder if she’s right. And the fact I’m even considering sleeping with him so soon stuns me the most. Ashton is already bulldozing his way into my life and I’m beginning to think I’m helpless to slow him down.

* * *

A few hours later, I stare at myself in the mirror and grimace. Gently touching my cheek, I wish I could go back to yesterday and not apply that facemask. My face is so red from the skin reaction. And sore. I can barely touch my face without it hurting.

I head out to my lounge room. An afternoon in front of the television sounds like exactly what I need. Some quiet time away from people.

I’ve just settled on the couch with a travel documentary when a knock sounds at my front door. I ignore it. Mostly because I don’t want to move off the couch but also because I’m not expecting anyone. It can’t be important. However, they don’t leave. The knocking only grows more insistent so I eventually give in and make my way to the door.

I’m surprised to find Ashton on the other side of the door. “You don’t give up easily, do you?” I say, recalling my conversation with Sienna today. I could never see him giving up without a fight.

“I can’t say it’s in my nature, no,” he replies. He frowns. “What happened to your face?”

My hand absently moves to cover a cheek. “A mask and I had a fight. The mask won.” I cock my head. “What are you doing here?”

His intense eyes lock onto mine. “Organising dinner for tonight.”

I quirk a brow. “You couldn’t do that over the phone?”


His intensity flusters me. I don’t know what to say to that so I take a moment to try and figure out a response. I mean, who doesn’t just pick up the phone to organise a date?

He doesn’t wait for me to reply. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

Tags: Nina Levine Romance