Page 24 of Ashton Scott

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I come to a stop at a red light. Turning to give her my full attention while I have the chance, I say, “Because the last thing Jack needs right now is alcohol.”

She’s quiet, thinking. “I like that,” she murmurs.

I frown. “What?”

“I like what I can hear when you talk about your friend. You obviously care deeply for him because it’s right there in your voice.”

A horn blares, diverting my attention from the conversation momentarily. When I turn back to Lorelei, she’s smiling at me. Jesus, this woman could get herself into trouble while out drinking. Her beauty is intoxicating, and the way she loosens right up with some alcohol in her could lead men to try and take advantage of her. I make a mental note to keep track of her at all times going forward.

We sit in silence, each simply watching the other. When the light turns green, I miss it, but she doesn’t. “Light’s green,” she murmurs. My gaze lingers on her lips for a second too long. The car behind honks to express their frustration.

I finally drag my gaze away and concentrate on the traffic, which isn’t as bad today as I thought it might be. We arrive at the pub where Jack is within ten minutes. He’s waiting outside for us, leaning against the brick wall of the building. He eyes us instantly and stumbles across.

“Ashton never told me he had a hot date today,” he says to Lorelei as he spreads out across the back seat.

Facing him, she says. “And he never told me he had a hot-as-hell best friend either.”

I glance in the rear-view mirror. He’s watching her like he wants to fuck her, but I know he never will. Jack and I share the same taste in women, and we’ve shared one before, but it’s not something we’ll ever do again. Lessons from the past guarantee that.

“Do tell… how long have you two been seeing each other?” Jack asks.

“We’re not seeing each other. It’s more of a situation where Ashton thinks he’s going to get some, but he’s living in fantasyland.”

I raise a brow at Lorelei. “Me and fantasyland have never been friends.”

“Well, I think you’ve recently taken a detour.”

“It’s a dead-end there and I’m not looking at a dead-end right now.”

Her hand absently moves to her collarbone and she fiddles with the necklace she’s wearing.

Jack chuckles. “Hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but from where I’m sitting you two are one step away from fucking.” He leans forward and shoves his hand at her. “I’m Jack.”

She shakes his hand. “Lorelei. And I hate to break it to you, Jack, but I don’t enjoy casual sex, so it’s not going to happen.”

“Ah, you’re more the commitment type?”

“I’m more the find-a-man-who-is-satisfied-with-one-woman kind of woman.”

“And you don’t think my friend here could be satisfied with one woman?”

“I’ve only just met your friend. I don’t know him well enough to make that call, but he’s smooth as hell and that makes me think he’s a pro at wining and dining women.”

“You might be pleasantly surprised, Lorelei,” Jack says. His eyes meet mine in the mirror. He always has my back.

“So I can hear a slight accent there, Jack. Where are you from?”

“I’m Aussie but I live in LA at the moment.”

She’s silent for a moment and I glance at her to find her squinting at Jack. “Are you that actor?”

I can hear the grin in his voice when he answers her. Jack’s ego loves recognition. “That would depend on which one you’re thinking of.”

She clicks her fingers as if the name is on the tip of her tongue. “Shit, I have it… help me out, Ashton.” Before I can reply, she exclaims, “No, wait! I have it. Jack Kingsley.” She swivels her body to look at him. “Am I right?”

“I think I should perhaps be a little offended that you’re still not absolutely sure.”

“Oh, God I’m sorry. It’s the damn alcohol. I never drink…. Well, clearly that’s not entirely true because this is the second time in a week I’ve been drunk. And let’s just say the last time ended up far messier than today.” It seems alcohol really loosens Lorelei. I have a feeling we’re about to learn more about her than she’d perhaps prefer if Jack has anything to do with it. He has a way of getting women to reveal their innermost thoughts.

Tags: Nina Levine Romance