Page 16 of Ashton Scott

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“I don’t think I’d be much help.”

“I beg to differ.”

“In my experience, it’s kind of hard to teach an asshole how to turn over a new leaf.”

Jesus, I’m going to need a long shower after this.

I fight the urge to move closer to her. “I’d imagine it would take a woman with your experience to get the job done.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“First round of practice tomorrow night.”

She doesn’t miss a beat. “I’m busy tomorrow night. But I’d be happy to give you some free advice.”

“Free advice is worthless. I’m more than happy to put the hours into a proper education.”

“I’m sure you’ll be able to snap your fingers and make that happen.”

Oh, baby, you have no idea.

“I could. But I only want the best and I have a feeling I’m looking at her

right now.”

She stumbles with her comeback and I taste victory.

And then she schools me. “For a smart man, you have a bad memory. I told you the other day that not everything is for sale. There are no lessons to be bought here, Ashton.”

Her declaration only inspires me. I take that step closer to her. Bending my mouth to her ear, I make a promise. “Although some things aren’t for sale, I’m not a man who gives up. Ever. You seem to have a bad memory too, Lorelei. I told you the other day that I always get what I want, and I wasn’t lying.” I move my face so I’m looking into those beautiful green eyes. “I’m a patient man, but make no mistake, this will happen, and it will happen soon.”



“So this was a good week… until today,” Sienna says as she slumps into the chair opposite me in our office late Friday afternoon.

I drag my attention away from my computer and eye her. She looks defeated, and Sienna never looks defeated. “What happened?”

“I was so close to gaining a new client—a guy who would have brought me a lot of business—when he decided to go with another company. He would have been the equivalent of about three clients with how busy he would have kept me.”

“There’s no way you can try and talk him around?”

She shakes her head. “I tried. He’s sold on this other company because they seem more solid to him. I guess my being a one-woman show doesn’t project the kind of image some people want.”

“And yet you are more than capable of looking after your clients just as well as the big boys.” I can’t hide my annoyance. Sienna and I come up against this time and time again. It’s frustrating.

She sighs. “Do you ever feel like it’s all too hard?”

“If I’m honest, yes, some days I feel that way. But then I give myself a talking to and figure I’ll show the doubters just what I’m capable of by proving them wrong.”

“I wish I was more like you.”

My eyes bulge. “What do you mean? You’re one of the few women I know who are super switched on and always positive.”

“Ugh, no. I pretend to be, but on the inside, I’m wailing like a baby. I listened to you all those years ago when you drilled into me that we needed to fake it until we made it. I just can’t help wondering how much longer I’ll be faking it for.”

“I know what you mean. Thirty is just around the corner, and I always thought I’d have my life more together by then.”

Tags: Nina Levine Romance