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“A cosmo please.”

He turned to the waiting bartender and ordered drinks before shifting his gaze back to me. His body was so damn close it almost pressed against mine. His eyes dropped to my chest. “You weren’t made to be subtle, were you, sugar?”

“Can’t say that word’s in my vocabulary, no.” The way he devoured my body told me I’d made the best decision when I’d bought the black dress I wore tonight. Knee-length with a plunging neckline and accentuated with a belt around my waist, it clung to every curve I had. My girls were up and proudly out, just the way I liked them. I mean, if you had it, flaunt it, right? And I’d had the red in my hair touched up that afternoon. It hung in lazy vivid-red curls to just below my breasts. I wasn’t sure which part of me he thought wasn’t subtle, but I guessed it had something to do with my dress by the way he seemed unable to draw his gaze from my body.

Finally he found his way back up to my face. The heat flashing in his eyes shot a round of lust through my veins. Good God, this man, though. I wondered if he had any idea of the storm he caused within me. “Don’t ever add it.” If what he said didn’t make my legs sway a little, the forceful, gravelly way he said it did.

The bartender placed our drinks on the counter, distracting us from each other. Hyde dropped some cash on the bar, took a mouthful of his whisky and looked back at me while I got down as much of my drink as I could in one mouthful. I needed it. I could stand my ground with any man, but Hyde had a way of catching me off guard.

“You calm down after that thing about owing me money this morning?” And there he went, flipping my feelings about him on their head.

I fixed him with a look that let him know I wasn’t impressed. “I didn’t have anything to calm down from.”

“You seemed all worked up about it.”

I drank some more of my cocktail. “I wasn’t.” But I was getting there now, that was for sure.

He drank some more whisky, keeping his eyes steady on mine. “Okay.”

Okay? Oh no he didn’t. He didn’t get to end a conversation with that bullshit. “Okay? Seriously, you’re going to end with that?”

“It seemed pointless to argue.”

I finished my drink and placed the empty glass down with some force. Sliding off my stool, I said, “We weren’t arguing. I was simply telling you like it was.”

“Yeah, I’ve picked that up about you.”

My eyes practically popped out of their sockets. “Picked up what about me?”

“That you like to tell men like it is.”

“I do not! You just have this way of pushing my buttons. I feel like it’s you, not me.”

His lips twitched. “Sugar, if I knew which buttons I was pushing, I’d push them some more. I never said I didn’t like the way you told me how it was.”

I snatched my bag off the bar. I needed a moment to get my thoughts under control. In the space of seconds, I’d switched from wanting him to wanting to smack him to wanting him again. My mind needed a break from the whiplash. I took a step away from the bar and said, “I’ll have another cosmo.”

Without waiting for his response, I headed in the direction of the ladies’ room. I’d almost made it there when a hand slid around my waist, and I was pushed up against the wall in the dark hallway. A hard body pressed against mine as the hand around my waist slid down to settle on my ass and warm breath whispered across my cheek. “My cock likes that attitude of yours. Surprised the fuck outta me, but I can’t deny I want more of it.”

The proof of his statement ground against me, sparking need all over me. Every inch of my skin blazed with desire. I gripped his shirt with both hands and found his eyes. “You and I weren’t made for each other, Hyde.”

“I’m not saying we were.”

My body went to war with my mind. It fought me kicking and screaming, desperate for what was on offer, but I didn’t want to surrender. “So what’s the point of starting something?”

He pushed his cock harder against me. “I came here against better judgement tonight. Nitro told me you’d be here and I came because I couldn’t, for the fucking life of me, get you out of my head. I want my hands on those curves of yours and my dick as far inside you as you can take it.”

I’d never dated a guy or even been with one who spoke as filthy to me as Hyde did, but everything he’d just said did it for me. Especially the bit about my curves. Hell, at this point he could probably start bossing me around, and I’d do whatever he said.

I gripped his shirt harder, pulling it, and him, even closer. “Does that dirty talk always work for you?”

The determined glint in his eyes caused another explosion of need in me. “Can’t say I’ve ever used it before, sugar. Never wanted to fuck a woman who argued with me like you do.”

“Fuck,” I muttered. I wanted to say yes, so badly, but something held me back. Something I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

He bent his head so he could trail kisses along my collarbone. My skin sizzled with heat where his lips touched it. I struggled with the urge to curl my fingers in his hair and hold his head in place. When he was done, he lifted his face and rasped, “Give me one night. I’ll show you what you’re missing with those vibrators.”

I could do one night. Truth be told, I could do with one night of real cock. It had been a long time between drinks. But first I needed to know if he could kiss. There was no point going home with a man who didn’t know his way around a set of lips.

Tags: Nina Levine Sydney Storm MC Romance