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“No, I’ve got no idea what’s been going on with you two but there’s definitely been tension for the last couple of weeks. You two alright?”

“We are now. Been a long few months but we’re working on it.” I hated talking about this shit but Brooke was like Madison and invested copious amounts of fucking energy into trying to get me to talk.

She didn’t fail me today. “When are you going to ask her to marry you? I thought you’d have that all done by now, the bossy ass that you are.”

“We had shit to sort out,” I muttered.

“And have you sorted it now?”

“Fuck, Brooke. Yes, it’s fucking sorted.”

She turned and looked at me intently. “Good, because I want to see you happy, big brother. You two have been through so much crap and I, for one, want you to get your happy ending. You and I were dealt a crappy hand with our family; Madison changed our luck.”

“Shit.” She’d stunned me. “I didn’t realise you were such a huge fan of Madison’s after all the shit from years ago.”

“I spent

a lot of time with her while you were away and we wiped the slate clean. You’ve seen us together; I thought you knew we were closer now.”

“I’ve been preoccupied. I also thought you were just making an effort for Crystal and me.”

“Nope. She’s good for you and she’s given both of us the family we never had. Plus she seems to have gotten herself together and worked out how to handle you. I’m surprised she put up with whatever you two had going on between you for so long.”

“Yeah, you and me both.”

“So, when are you proposing?”


She smiled at me. “Good. And then we can have some little J’s running around.”

I grinned at her. “Fuck, we’d drive Madison fucking insane if we had more of me running around. How soon do you reckon I can make that happen?”


“Babe, how much longer are you gonna be in there?” I called out to Madison. She’d been in the bathroom for a long fucking time doing her face or some shit, and I’d been waiting for her to come to bed. My patience was running out.

“Not long. Why?”

“You never finished what you started this morning, and I’m more than fucking ready for you to do that.” My cock had been hard for her all day, and she’d been at work. Then we’d had the dinner at Brooke’s tonight so there’d been no time when she got home from work. The fucking universe had been against me today.

She appeared in the doorway between the bathroom and the bedroom, hand on hip. “May I just remind you that I never finished what I started because you got called into work early?”

Fuck, she was so sexy when I managed to rile her up. I grinned. “You could have finished me off real quick but you didn’t want to.”

Her mouth fell open. “You’re an ass, J. Sure I could have finished you off but what about me?” She shook her head and turned around to walk back into the bathroom, muttering something about bastards and hand jobs. I fucking loved her sexy mouth and hotheadedness.

I left her alone for a couple of minutes before heading into the bathroom to see what she was doing. The sight that greeted me almost made me come on the spot. She’d stripped and was standing naked in front of the sink. Currently, she was raised up on her toes and leaning forward to look in the mirror which meant her ass was up and out. I zeroed in on that ass and started walking towards her so I could get my hands on it.

“Stop,” she ordered.

Shit. Madison doing bossy was a turn on. I did what she said and found her gaze looking back at me in the mirror.

“Touch my ass and you’ll be going without tonight,” she said.

I raised my eyebrows and folded my arms across my chest. Smirking at her, I said, “Sweetheart, I’m not going without tonight.”

She raised her brows back at me. “Oh really, J? Got that hand ready, have you?”

Tags: Nina Levine Storm MC Romance