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“Oh, Daniel,” he says, and his voice is a tender animal that could consume me. “Fuck, Daniel, I need to be here right now.” He slides three fingers into me as he says it, and my whole body clenches, shuddering when he breaches me.

“Unnhh,” I say, pressing my hips into the bed and grabbing the sheets. Rex grabs my hips to keep me still. He reaches up to grab a condom from the dresser and puts his mouth to my ear.

“Was that a yes?” he growls, and I moan again. “Was that ‘Yes, Rex, you can have my ass?’” I nod frantically, trying to turn and look back at him, but his weight makes it impossible. I’m out of my head with lust. The only thing I can feel is the empty throbbing in my channel where his tongue has left me wanting. I can almost feel him inside me, filling me up, and I clench at the thought.

“Fuck, baby,” Rex says. Then he dives back down, his mouth sucking at my hole, tongue jabbing inside me.

“Rex, please.”

“Please what?” he says, low and rumbling.

“Please, fuck me,” I’m finally able to string together. I don’t know how I can be this relaxed and this on edge at the same time, but when I feel Rex’s heat against me I don’t even tense up. He slides just past my muscle and my body welcomes him. He spreads my ass and slides the rest of the way in, filling me so perfectly that it takes me a moment to catch up with the sensation. By the time it does, he’s all the way inside me, and my whole channel clenches with pleasure. We both cry out and Rex’s hands tighten on my hips, pulling me up and onto his shaft.

He doesn’t move, and it’s like we’re locked together in a perfect moment that we know will only get better. I swallow hard and Rex drops his forehead to my back. Then he begins to move—tiny pulses of his hips that stir friction between us. Gradually, his movements get bigger, until I can feel the drag of his cock against my inner walls. My own erection feels almost secondary, a sensation I never thought I would have. It’s as if only where he’s touching me matters. He slides slowly out of me, and I make a desperate sound, thinking he’s leaving, but he strokes up my spine.

He rests the head of his cock against my hole, teasing me with it, pulsing himself shallowly in and out of my muscle, confusing the sensitive skin there with each penetration. Then he slides all the way back in with one firm stroke and it’s like a fire stroking through my channel. He pulls my hips up farther and begins fucking me deeply, letting his weight bear him down.

He’s supporting himself on his arms as he fucks down into me and I grab the corded muscle of his forearms, trying to gain some purchase. I can’t stop the broken sounds that are coming out of my mouth and Rex is making a noise like a groan and a whimper. Then I arch into him and he slides against my prostate, flooding me with a wave of pleasure from my ass to my dick.

I cry out, and Rex pulls me up, locking his arms around my shoulders to maintain his angle. Every thrust bumps my prostate and I have no control over my body. I feel lightheaded, like every nerve is being strummed with Rex’s strokes. He rotates his hips and drives into me, then freezes there for a long moment, letting me feel the pulse of his erection, letting me feel how completely he fills me.

“Please,” I gasp out, and Rex moans. I can feel him shaking above me.

“Daniel,” he says shakily.

Then he rears back and slams into me, grabbing my cock for the first time since he began his massage. The second he touches me, I’m done for. He pumps my shaft once, twice, three times, and then I’m coming in his hand, the pleasure washing through my whole body. My orgasm seems to go on even after he’s wrung every jet of come from me, echoes of pleasure pulsing in my balls and through my ass. Then Rex is coming, his strokes growing short and hard. He thrusts himself deep inside me and moans brokenly, freezing in orgasm. Then his hips pulse a few more times as he presses the last of himself inside me.

I’m trembling from pleasure and can’t catch my breath, but as Rex lowers himself on top of me, still softening inside me, I realize that I’m more relaxed than I’ve ever been.

“Jesus,” Rex mutters as he slides out of me and drops the condom into the garbage can. I can’t even open my eyes. I’m still on my stomach where I collapsed, Rex’s sticky hand trapped between my belly and the bed. I roll onto my side a little and Rex wipes his hand on the flannel sheets. He snugs up behind me and kisses the back of my neck avidly, then slides his arm under my neck so he can wrap both arms around my chest. “Fuck,” he says, as his spent cock brushes up against my ass and gives a little twitch. I moan absently and tuck my knees up. Rex nestles his groin against my ass and squeezes me tight.

Tags: Roan Parrish Middle of Somewhere Erotic