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I shake my head to clear it and grab the sheets, the green flannel an anchor.

Rex’s heat recedes a little and I’m rolled gently onto my back. I open my eyes to see Rex leaning over me. His gaze is steady, hot with desire, but still calm. Like he’s totally in control of what he’s doing.

“You okay?” he asks. I nod and reach for him again. “What’s up?” I shake my head. “Daniel, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” Rex says, sinking down next to me. His weight makes the bed dip and I roll into him.

“No, no, I want to. I totally want to,” I say, but my voice sounds a little shaky. “I just—it’s been a long time since I….” I look away.


I nod.

“Just tell me what you want.” One big hand is stroking my back gently, but the look in his eyes is intense.

“I want to,” I say. “I want you.” I bite my lip. I can’t stand the sound of my own voice. I sound needy and weird.

Rex pulls me on top of him and tangles our fingers together. Then we’re kissing, our mouths and cocks straining together, but he won’t let us touch each other. I pull at his hands and he draws mine to his mouth and kisses each before he lets them go. I reach for his balls, hold them warm and tight in my hand and then I kiss him slow, watching his eyes drift shut. I tug gently and he gasps into my mouth. I reach underneath him and stroke his ass. It’s thick and strong and his whole body tightens when I squeeze, etching his muscles like stone.

Rex pulls me forward and kisses me deeply, our tongues sliding together, and I feel his finger at my entrance, just tapping there. But every tap zings a jolt through me and I shiver against him. Then the finger is gone and he cups my head, runs his hand through my messy hair and I moan into his kiss. He spreads me open with both hands and then his finger is back, slick with lube he must have reached for but I didn’t even notice. He rubs the slickness into my hole while he kisses me, then slides slowly inside. I tense up, but he runs his hand down my neck, stroking my back.

“Okay?” he says, and I nod, thrusting my hips as I adjust to his finger. Our erections slide together, his hips meeting mine.

“Fuck, baby, you feel amazing,” Rex groans and he slides a second finger inside me. I kiss his neck and throat. I can feel a spot he missed when he was shaving and I’m flooded with tenderness for him. I kiss the spot and shake my head at myself because apparently I’m turning into a total sap.

Rex looks at me curiously and I smile at him.


“Hi there,” he chuckles.

I lean down slowly and kiss him on the cheek.

“You’re fucking gorgeous,” I tell him, and kiss his other cheek.

“Thanks,” he says softly, looking at me like he’s surprised to hear it. He strokes my cheek.

He rolls us over, his fingers still inside me, and puts a pillow under my hips. He kisses the inside of my knee, then the sensitive crease of my thigh. He kisses my hip bones, avoiding contact with my cock, which is now straining upward, desperate for his touch. I can feel how flushed my face is and my lips are swollen and tingly from our kisses.

“Rex,” I say, and it comes out as a whisper.

“Yeah, sweetheart,” he says. There’s a strange ringing in my ears.

“I want you.”

“Yeah?” he murmurs, and he strokes my prostate with his fingertips. My hips shoot off the pillow and he holds me down easily. He slides a third finger inside me and I cry out, heat fizzing in my spine.

“Please,” I say roughly.

He slides his fingers in deeper as he reaches for a condom. My hole clenches around his thick fingers and I can see him shudder. I reach for him, but he bats my hand away, breathing heavily. He slides his fingers out of me, kissing me slow and sweet, and massages more slickness inside me.

All I can see is the tiny line of concentration between his eyebrows and the dark sweep of his lashes against his cheek as he kisses my opening with the tip of his cock. He tilts my hips up further and brushes a piece of hair off my forehead, taking a deep breath.

“Tell me,” Rex growls. I can feel him, hot, against me.

I nod frantically, searching for words.

“I want—I need—please!” I groan, and he breaches my entrance. My eyelids flutter and my breathing gets shallow, but he doesn’t go any farther.

“Tell me,” he murmurs, licking behind my ear.

“Please, please, fuck me,” I beg, and my voice is strained, my body trembling around him.

Tags: Roan Parrish Middle of Somewhere Erotic