Page 38 of One Kiss

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“James, no!” she cried out, struggling from Aidan’s taut clasp around her when she realized how far James was going to take this—she knew from Aidan how James felt about men who assaulted women. James' father was a control freak who had his wife close to a nervous breakdown with all his demands.

This was classic transference, and it totally wasn’t necessary.

“Aidan! Dammit! Stop him,” she demanded when she realized James' rage was only growing. “I handled it. He wouldn’t have raped me.” At least, she didn’t think Mark would have. “And I had it under control.”

“He scared you,” James growled out. “You were shivering in my arms.”

“Of course, I was! It came as a shock,” she argued.

“James,” Aidan bit off begrudgingly.

“What?” came the snarled retort.

“Leave him alone.” Aidan breathed heavily.

Her brother’s words had her relaxing a little, but James, as if not hearing them snapped, “He was going to rape you, Hannah!”

“You think I failed to spot that?” she snapped back. “I was there. You weren’t. Look, let’s just leave this… Let’s just go.”

“We can’t. I called the cops,” Aidan pointed out.

She closed her eyes and buried her face in her hands. “How has this grown so complicated?”

Aidan snapped, “You should never have come to his room.”

“Why the fuck not?” she snarled back, her weariness disappearing in the face of her brother’s arrogant assertion. “I had no intention of sleeping with him, but if I’d wanted to, I would have. I’m an adult, Aidan. I don’t need your approval to do a damn thing.”

He glowered at her. “How can you be so goddamn in my face over this after what nearly happened?”

“It didn’t happen, did it? You two arrived after he was on the floor. I’d protected myself, defended myself, because that’s what I had to do, and I’d do it again and again.” She clenched her teeth. “Don’t come in here all high and mighty thinking I’m in the wrong. The man deserved closure. He deserved for me to tell him we were over in private. Not in some damn bar where the waitstaff could hear him getting dumped.” She let out a hissed breath. “I am not in the wrong here. And you making out that I am isn’t improving my mood.”

Aidan glared at her, but James was the one who

spoke. He was still panting from the exertion of containing his temper, and it probably made her a Neanderthal to admit that that turned her on so badly, she could have jumped on him. Brother and ex be damned.

“She’s right, Aidan,” he said, breaking into her lusty thoughts with words that stunned the shit out of her because she’d expected him to be firmly on her brother’s side. “It’s not our place to make comment,” James said as he released Mark.

“How can you say that?” Aidan demanded. “She put herself in needless danger.”

“She was doing the right thing, and it backfired on her, but she handled herself well.” He met Hannah’s stormy gaze. “You did, Hannah.”

She nodded at him. “I know I damn well did,” she snapped, firming her chin and lifting it high in the air. Her annoyance wasn’t aimed at him though. If anything, she still wanted to crawl all over him, and maybe he saw that because a fire began to burn in his eyes.

“You need another spanking.”

Her mouth fell open in astonishment.

“You did not just say that,” she whispered on a hiss, shooting her befuddled brother a glance.

When James just winked at her, she wasn’t sure whether to laugh or to freakin’ cry.

Chapter 12

Wherever Hannah had expected to be the next day, it certainly wasn’t James’ home.

She’d been here before, of course. To his luxurious mountainside mansion that would have had a Bond villain cooing in delight. But there were parts that even people considered family didn’t approach, and that was where they were now.

His private dining room.

Tags: Annabelle Love Romance