Page 73 of Believing Her

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Just knowing he was inside her?

Just knowing he’d found release with her?

Once again, it filled her with a feminine power she’d never had. Something that he gave her.

As he gave so much to her that she knew, in her own way, she’d always be grateful for.

With this man, in her arms and between her legs and at her back, she could do anything. She realized that now.

She was free to live her life how she wanted because he would always be there for her.

“I love you,” he whispered, his forehead damp and sweaty as it pressed into hers, and his voice was hoarse with emotion and reaction. “I don’t know where it came from, I don’t know why it happened, but I’ll spend the rest of my life being grateful for the fact I met you. And I’ll spend the rest of those days making you happy, Samantha.”

“Rest of your days, huh?” she asked, her own voice husky in reaction.

“Why not? I like to tie things up when I plan out a contract.”

She laughed. “I’m a contract now.”

“The best contract I’ll ever sign in my damn life.”

The End

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Continue on to read an excerpt of my releases, One Kiss & Hometown Virgin!

Chapter 1

The sound of tires screeching and an engine roaring had Hannah Sawyer jolting to attention in the parking lot. From silence to thunder, and in less time than it took her to blink.

Before her, her brother and his dick of a best friend’s company gleamed in the sunlight. And by company, she meant it. This wasn’t just a ‘building’. It was a complex. A whopping five million square feet of reflective windows that made her eyes burn as the sun reflected upon the shades, where military-level secrets and hot shit technology combined to create cars that belonged on episodes of the Jetsons. In fact, she thought even George would be amazed by what went down in these hallowed walls.

Before she could shake her head in surprise—yet again—that her older brother was co-owner of this insanity, she glowered as a bright, cherry-red car squealed to a halt at the front doors.

The squeal was followed by a rip-roaring holler that she immediately recognized.

Aidan, her brother was cool and calm. Not exactly staid, because still waters certainly ran deep, but very chill. In comparison to his business partner, James Arias, he was boring as hell.

Hannah loved her brother. He was a confidante, always had been, and they’d been close since they were little despite the five-year age gap. This company was a vital part of him, and his work took up most of his days. Sure, he had his little thrills, things that would have any man getting giddy, like season tickets to his favorite teams—with private boxes and front row seats where it mattered most. But at heart, he was a geek.

James Arias, however, worked on a whole other scale.

Bland, boring… no. Those were not words that would ever describe James. Mainly because he was an adrenaline junkie par none. Throw in the fact he could buy and sell the President of the United States, was renowned for his engineering flair and his ability to throw a wild party… well, everyone looked uncool in comparison to James.

Tags: Annabelle Love Romance