Page 66 of Believing Her

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“No, not even when the lights turn out at night,” he said on a growl as he dipped his head and pressed his lips to her throat. Tasting her there, he growled again as she flooded his senses with all of her.

“Oh-h,” she said, her voice choked. “that feels so good, Josh.”

“I’m glad, baby. You ready to get out of here?”

“We haven’t had dessert yet!” she countered, but her voice was breathy.

“For six thousand dollars a plate, do you really expect dessert to be better than this?” He rocked his hips against her belly.

“Six thousand dollars?” she squeaked. “We’re staying for dessert. I want your money’s worth.”

He groaned. “But I’m really okay with being screwed if it means you’ll screw me later.”

She laughed, but the mulish twist to her lips said it all. “Nope. No way, no how. My mother didn’t raise someone who wasted money or food. There’s a crappy piece of chocolate cake out there with our names on it and we’re going to eat it. Even if it chokes us.”

He had to laugh. “You’re crazy.”

“No. I’m astute.” She tapped her nose, winking at him as she did.

“Crazy,” he countered, loving how she slipped her arm around his waist as they started to walk back to their seats.

The tables had been cleared of dinner plates—a rather distasteful roast chicken with a bizarre kind of cheese sauce—and in their stead, were what looked like chocolate lava cake.

She wrinkled her nose at the sight of the limp things. “Okay, I understand why you might think I’d prefer your cock to this, but we have to at least try it.”

Chuckling, he helped seat her, and as he did, the Senator clapped him on the back. Josh jerked a little in surprise, not having realized the reason for their being here tonight was close—Josh was slowly growing accustomed to how limited his reactions were in Samantha’s presence.

It was bizarre, but he’d come to realize that when she was about, she took up all his focus.

Every ounce of it.

Unless Erin was there too, and he could split it between them. But otherwise, he rarely noticed the rest of the world buzzing on around him and though it was damn inconvenient, he couldn’t find it in himself to really care.

His business was founded on him. His verve and his drive, but he’d done a poor job of protecting it if it meant there weren’t other people who could lighten his load some.

“Senator,” he said cheerfully, shaking the man’s hand.

“It’s great to see you here, Josh. I was hoping to catch you.”

“You were?” He cocked a brow. “Does that mean you have news for me from Stockholm?”

Beauregard winked at him. “Maybe. Can I rely on you for a donation tonight? You know what good I’ll do if I can keep my seat for another term.”

Beside him, Samantha tensed. “I’ll see what I can do.”

Beauregard laughed, hearing that for the mockery it was. “I appreciate it, sir. I appreciate it.”

Josh cocked his brow again. “Well?” he asked. “Stockholm?”

“I’ve a yes. It’s tentative. Christen wants to make sure that you’ll look after the staff. It’s still a family company even if it has hit the international press of late.”

“That’s fine with me. I have no desire to break it up. I actually want to expand it.”

“I know. I saw your outline. I think that’s why Christen is interested. But, I also think if you truly want to seal the deal, you should offer him a seat on the board. It’s his baby,” Beauregard said, wrinkling his nose as though he couldn’t understand it. “What can I say? The man’s attached to it.”

“Quite understandable,” Samantha inserted. “Family businesses mean a lot to all involved.”

At her interruption, Josh winced. “Senator, I must apologize for my rudeness. This is Samantha Garrett, my fiancée.”

Tags: Annabelle Love Romance