Page 46 of Believing Her

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“I believed you,” she chided, “now, eat!”

Erin frowned, and managed to look so like his father, she had to hide a wince.

It wasn’t her son’s fault he reminded her of Jamie, and over the years, she knew her husband’s face would fade and her son’s would supersede it—boy, she couldn’t wait for that day.

Sucking in a deep breath as she sought calm, Samantha headed down the hall to the front door. When there was another knock, she stopped hesitating, picked up her pace, and opened the door.

“Josh!” she exclaimed, pretending she didn’t know he’d been the one at the door.

His mouth curved into an odd smile. “Yes.”

Samantha cocked a brow at him. “Are you okay?”

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” he asked.

“Do you want to come in?”

“Sure,” he replied. Then, when she didn’t move, he frowned. “Aren’t you going to let me in?”

“I’m just wondering why you’d want to come in, I guess. You couldn’t get away fast enough from me that day…” She pursed her lips at him. “And no, I’m not mad at you about that, just confused.”

He sighed. “Let me in, Samantha.”

She stepped back, leaving the doorway wide open as she let him pass by. Once he was in her hallway, she hid a wince because he overtook it.

As he did most things, she realized. He was one of those guys. The kind that Jessica had discussed earlier. The sort who somehow managed to dominate every scenario, every situation. Overwhelming the space, like he saturated the oxygen around him so it vibrated or something.

It was weird and unnerving.

“What is it?” he demanded when she just stared at him.

“I’m just thinking that’s all.” She started to step away. “Come on, Erin’s in the kitchen. Do you want pierogis? I made extra.”

He blinked. “You made pierogies?”

She nodded. “Old family recipe. They’re good. If I do say so myself.”

“Okay then, sure.” He licked his lips. “But first, I need to ask you something. Without little ears getting in the way.”

“Go for it.”

“I wondered if you’d be willing to attend a party with me tonight.”

She scowled. “What kind of party? And why me? Did your regular date cancel?”

“No. It’s a work affair, but it’s a social event. I have to attend otherwise it would seem impolite.”

“Right. Because you really care about being impolite.”

“Ouch. You really are mad at me, aren’t you? You’re not confused like you were making out a few moments ago.”

She pursed her lips. “My female pride is stung, I suppose. Maybe more than I realized.”

“I knew as much when you didn’t thank me for the court papers I had sent over.”

“I was going to thank you, but I was annoyed you didn’t bring them yourself.” She realized how childish that sounded now after having admitted as much to both Jessica and him in one day. “I know that’s irrational.”

Josh cleared his throat. “Maybe it makes sense. Can I ask y

Tags: Annabelle Love Romance