Page 134 of Hometown Virgin

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He sighed happily. “April, baby?”

“Fuck. You.”

And like that, she disconnected the call and slammed her phone down.

She didn’t even care when the new piece of miracle tech crunched as the screen gave way to the pressure of her movement.

April just wished she could do the same thing to Mike.

His nose would look so much better broken and bloodied.

That bloodthirsty thought had her scampering out of bed and heading over to the Juliet balcony. As she stared into the distance, the sea called to her. The moon did too.

When she peered around and saw nobody around, she bit her lip.

It had always been a dream of hers to skinny dip…

Hell, maybe that was exactly what she needed after being loaded up with her ex’s slime.

Shuddering with distaste and sticking out her tongue at the same time in horror, she rushed out of the bedroom and through the house.

The minute the sand crunched between her toes she let out a yip of delight. This private paradise was hers and hers alone.

Well, save for the hunky owner of the villa.

Even as she streaked, wild and abandoned, across the beach, she wondered about Luca.

With Mike’s treachery still ringing in her ears, maybe thinking of another man was a sign she was hopeless. Either that, or a sign she was ready to get back in the saddle.

The thought had her flushing, warmth flooding her veins at the idea of hooking her claws in that fine piece of ass.

And boy, fine was an understatement.

She wondered where he was at that exact minute as she slipped into ocean, the surf kicking up around her legs and bathing her in its silky heat as she dove into the shallows. Slicking her hair back, she looked up at the sky. The stars were incredible. There were so many of them, and all visible even though the moon felt as bright as the sun—it lit up the world around her. A world that, save for the pinprick lights in the villa in the near distance, were alone.

Where was Luca, anyway?

Maybe it was just a momentary lapse of judgment, but she knew if he came to investigate her shrieks of joy, she’d be on him quicker than white on rice.

Her body quickened at the notion but as the night air was as still as ever, broken only by the whistle and whoosh of the sea, she had to come to terms with the fact she’d be spending the night alone.

She wasn’t sure if her disappointment stemmed from the fact she was needy after that surprising phone call, or if her body was needy. Needy for Luca.

The thought had her shivering in the warm depths of the ocean, and to stave it off, she ducked her head under the surface, letting her legs sway to the tidal rip.

The sea was her font as the salt water cleansed her of Mike’s voice sliming up her ear drums, even if it didn’t clean his treachery from her mind. However as she relaxed in the lapping waves she tried to convince herself that there were plenty more fish in the sea, after all.

It was worth traveling all this way just for that.

Hooking up with Luca would be a definite perk though.

Tags: Annabelle Love Erotic