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Kane is pouring his own cup of coffee, making this awkward. He smiles lightly when he sees me, and he brings the pot over to me, pouring my cup full before turning back around and putting it back on the burner. He leans up against the counter, sipping his piping hot drink as he studies me.

I squirm uncomfortably while adding my cream, and I try to think of a way to lessen the tension.

"Why do you think she's after the two of us?" I ask softly, my voice cracking slightly from my nerves.

"Maybe because she's jealous? She could be an old acquaintance of mine. I've been around a while, but I've only ever loved one girl."

Well that backfired. "Don't do this right now."

"Do what, Alyssa? It's not like it's some big secret."

I look at him, and I mentally pull on my extra layer of skin, readying myself for whatever cruel thing he's waiting to strike me with.

"I haven't chosen him. Whatever you want to say, get it out there. I don't want to deal with your hurtful gashes all day. Get it all out now so we can focus on the real problem at hand."

He winces, as though I'm the one who has said something cutting.

"I don't plan on saying anything hurtful, Alyssa. But you did make a choice, so don't fool yourself. I also realize why you made that choice. I didn't exactly handle things well after I found out you were a witch, but-" He runs his hand through his hair as he looks away, stopping short.

"But?" I prompt.

He sighs out hard, looking back up to catch my eyes. He comes to stand dangerously close and rests his hand on my side.

"But I was hurting worse than I thought possible. I never knew how much I was missing in life until I had you. When I thought it had all been just a ploy to get to Castine, it felt like someone had ripped my heart out and set it on fire. I wanted to hurt you as badly as you hurt me. I can't apologize enough, and I'll figure out a way to make this right."

I look away, unable to meet his eyes any longer. "This wasn't ever meant to be, Kane. I think we should both try to move on. If we had known the truth about each other-"

"Then we never would have attempted to be with each other," he interrupts, bringing my eyes back up to meet his by tilting my chin. "That's why we were meant to be with each other."

"That makes no sense." I sigh, trying to look away again, but he cups my face in his hand so softly, keeping me pinned to his gaze.

"It does if you think about it, Alyssa. Fate intervened, but you aren't looking at the obvious. In our world, a night stalker with a witch is preposterous, but fate pushed us together, leading the other to think they were falling for a human. The odds of such a connection forming while the other remains unaware of the secrets hidden in plain sight are astronomical. We fell in love. You just refuse to admit how real it all was, so you're using Gage as a beard for your true feelings. You're allowed to be with him. It's normal to fall for one of your own - even if there is a light division."

I shake my head, but he keeps drawing me closer, reminding me how good his touch feels.

"It's more than that, Kane. Gage understands me. He knows things about me that I could never tell you."

"Alyssa, you can tell me anything. You know you can trust me."

His thumb strokes my lower lip as his eyes stare into mine with fearless abandon. I know better than to tell anyone I'm Drackus's daughter. Gage only knows because he already knew. I never would have told him myself.

He only knew because his mother is marrying my father - which is still creepy. He doesn't judge me the way most would. He doesn't fear me or what I could become. Kane would. He'd be appalled by the very idea of my existence and terrified of the monster I could be - ironically enough.

"I trust you, Kane, and I know you'd never use it against me, but there are things about me I never share with anyone. Gage knows, but he knew about me before he knew me. It's different. It's freeing."

He tilts his head, curiosity forming. "Has this got something to do with Drackus?"

"No." It has everything to do with Drackus. "Just leave it alone."

"Alyssa, I know Drackus and you aren't merely acquainted because of his old affections for your mother. He's not that generous or feeling. People involved with Drackus usually owe him for something he's done for them. What's your debt? Maybe I can help you pay it off."

My debt is my birthright. There's no such thing as paying it off.

"It's so much more complicated than that," I say with an exasperated huff.

"Whatever it is, I can deal with it. I promise."

"Like you dealt with my being a witch? You'll jump to conclusions, and I'll be left getting berated just as before."

Tags: C.M. Owens Deadly Beauties Vampires