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"What does that mean?" Kane growls, his eyes trying to fix Dray with a deadly glare.

Zee walks in, instantly sizing up Thad, and then he crosses his arms over his chest as he takes in the standoff.

"What's going on?" Amy snarks as she joins us as well, her eyes shooting daggers at me.

"Let's go. I'll tell you what I can," Dray says while stepping around Kane and opening the door.

"So she's after Dray now?" Amy snarks, a taunting laugh slipping through her lips.

I don't know if it's because of the trying few months I've had, the recent close-to-death encounter, or the fact she's pushed my buttons for too long, but I let my power slip free, and she's suddenly on the ground, screaming as her arm twists behind her back.

"That's all I'll take of your mouth," I caution, my voice dark and deadly. "You have no idea how pissing me off could affect your health. Consider this a warning."

The dark wrath of my father's power churns inside me. This bond with Kane is only driving me closer to the edge of insanity, and for once, I'm enjoying the feel.

"Alyssa, you can't do this," Dray says while stepping in front of me, killing my accidental trance.

I shiver as the darkness leaves me as quickly as it came. Kane's mouth is slightly unhinged as he studies me. The others all seem to be equally as startled, and Amy cries out her pain for the broken arm I've left her with.

"You bitch! I'll fucking kill you!"

As she hurls her body at me, Dray holds out his hand. A black smoke fills the room, grabbing her up and forcing her to the ground. Everyone just watches - no one moves. They all seem to know Dray won't hurt her.

"Amy, I'm only going to tell you this once. Do not ever try to touch her again, or I'll put you down myself. Believe me; I'd be doing you a favor."

Her mouth falls agape, and everyone else seems to be stunned into silence as Dray comes to rejoin me at my side. I look to see her arm is healed, completely, an

d then I realize Dray's secret.

"A dark angel. I should have known," I mutter.

He smiles, cracking his neck to the side. "There's a lot you should know."

"So spill it. How are you connected to my father, but yet Kane doesn't have a clue? Or is he just faking it?"

Dray laughs as we walk next to the lake, keeping our voices quiet. I shiver against the wind that is bringing forth the chill of early winter, but I deny my teeth their right to chatter.

"He has no clue, and he'll never hear it from me. Drackus would skin me alive, and I mean that very literally. My involvement with Drackus dates back centuries. He saved my life against a demon. I knew then the stories about him weren't true. Though he loves the fear he instills, he's not the monster he's notorious for being.

"The reason I'm involved in his circle right now is simply to keep him from killing Kane. Since Kane first started breaking his bonds to Castine, I've been there, guiding him. He's a good soul with a tainted past.

"Castine slaughtered his family before his eyes. One of his sisters was barely fourteen at the time. She even made Kane watch the show play out, keeping him helpless when she screamed for his help.

"Castine then turned him, and seduced him with her power for so, so many years. As he grew stronger, her hold over him weakened, and soon she lost all of her influence over his mind.

"That's when I came in to help him break free. I led him through the steps and helped him ease the pain during the worst of the breaks. Castine didn't come after him once she found some new toys to entertain her.

"I've helped others in the past. It's my way of giving back. If I hadn't had a helping hand early on in life, I wouldn't be standing here today.

"Your father knows about Kane, and he threatened to tear his heart out. As you can imagine, he meant it very literally. I explained Kane's situation, and I swore to him I'd keep you close to me, watch after you. I had Sierra tracking the scent you inadvertently left behind. Of course I lied to Drackus and told him it was your changer friend's scent you were trailing behind you. You're not supposed to be spending so much time with the dark user."

"Why is that?" I ask, growing irritated with all the vague warnings about Gage.

"Your father isn't big on destiny's plan. I think he's misinterpreted the information, but he's convinced he's right. That's all a much longer conversation for another time."

Fine. I'm overwhelmed as it is.

"So how did Sierra and the others fall behind if she was the one tracking me?"

Tags: C.M. Owens Deadly Beauties Vampires