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I flip on the television to see something that makes me sick. Quickly turning up the volume, I lower myself to the couch when my legs try to fold.

"Samantha Taylor has been reported missing since late last night. She was supposed to close up at work, but her mother says she never came home. Police have found proof of a scuffle inside the diner where Samantha works, and they're currently running down every lead. If you have any information-"

I shut off the TV. I'm so sick and dizzy after hearing that. I just saw Samantha last night. I'm usually the one closing up. What if the night stalker who was after me decided to feast on Samantha in my absence?

Picking up my phone to dial Frankie, I head back into the living area, the weight of my guilt striking my heart. I saved one girl, but then I got another killed.

"It's about damn time you called me back," he gripes angrily, a little worked up.

"Sorry. Long story short, I lost my phone for a while. Where were you last night?"

"Why? Did something happen? Were you attacked?" The panic in his voice tells me I should downplay the occurrences from last night.

"Just some human issues. Nothing that couldn't be handled by a regular person."

Though Kane is far from regular.

Frankie sighs out his relief, and then suddenly he's walking through my front door as a shadow puff of smoke follows behind him, proving he just manipulated the air around him.

"Well," he says while putting down the phone, "I followed the night stalker you had a run-in with. I was worried he'd come after you, so I wanted to keep my eyes on him. I followed him three towns over, keeping my distance of course, and then I watched him get ripped apart."

My hand covers my gaping mouth as I gasp in disbelief.

"By who?"

"A group of them. I could tell by the way some of them were moving they were his own kind. There were lycans in the mix too - fully changed and snarling like vicious pets. Two lycans and three night stalkers working together. It's unusual for them to team up and kill one of their own."

"Did the night stalker I pissed off kill Samantha?" I whimper.

"Who?" he muses just as my phone rings.

I pick it up, recognizing the number from the diner, and hold up a finger to Frankie while answering.


"Alyssa, this is Wade. I suppose you've seen the news," he murmurs with a heavy tension in his tone.

"Yeah, I just saw it. Are you okay?" I ask sincerely.

"Right now I'm just worried about Samantha. I pray she's okay. The reason I'm calling is because I'm closing the diner for the next few days while the police investigate. Whoever did this could come back. Whenever I reopen it, no one is to close alone."

"I understand," I murmur while glancing up at Frankie who has most likely overheard both sides of the conversation, given his look of dread.

I hang up, and Frankie grips his head.

"How is it you chose this town - one where night stalkers hang out with lycans, night stalkers kill openly, girls keep popping up missing almost daily… I mean, what's wrong with Miami or Palm Springs?"

I release an exasperated, dramatic laugh while dropping to the couch.

"Just my luck, I guess. Did you call Mom?" I sigh out.

"I tried, but she's apparently enthralled with the ceremonies. I'm sure she'll call me back when she's free."

"Great. I'm sure she'll yank me out of here the second she finds out a turf war is at play."

"This is bigger than a turf war. Last night, the other night stalkers stood by and watched the two lycan females drain the vampire's body of life and blood."

Tags: C.M. Owens Deadly Beauties Vampires