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He snickers when I struggle to form words.

“My last name is Noles.”

My mind races over so many things at once before I groan loudly, piecing together the impossible puzzle.

“Ethan Noles? As in Tria’s cousin? As in Kade’s cousin? As in Wren’s cousin? As in every-freaking-body’s cousin?” I ask incredulously. Why oh why did I not get his last name sooner?

“Actually, I’m only related to Rain and Tria, but when we were kids and Tria called me her cousin, Kade and Wren also assumed we were all related, since they’re related to Tria as well. So we still claim each other.”

“I need a drink. This can’t be happening.”

He laughs under his breath while relaxing beside me. “I guess they forgot to warn you about me.”

“I guess so. I need to go.”

Hopeful he’ll leave me in peace, I start to stand, but he grabs my arm, gently holding me in place.

“Let me donate to the kid,” he says, all sense of cockiness gone as seriousness replaces the usual mischief in his eyes.

My brow furrows in confusion at the quick change in conversation, and then I close my eyes when I realize what he’s talking about. “How the hell do you know what I’m doing?” I ask as I open my eyes back up.

“Let me donate. Then you can—”

“Owe you?” I ask bitterly, more so than I have any right to at the moment. “No. I can’t.”

His lips twitch. “There’s that bite. But no, I don’t want you to owe me. I was going to say that then you could enjoy what’s left of the party instead of being upset in the corner alone.”

Ah, hell. Why’d he have to go and say that?

“I got enough contributors,” I lie, forcing a smile. “But thanks for the offer. Seriously.”

He nods while standing up, and I stand as well, since he’s no longer holding me in place. To my surprise, he grabs me and pulls me to him before he starts moving to the sound of the stringed quartet that is playing off to the side.

“What the hell are you doing?” I ask him, feeling his body press too close to mine.

“Dancing. I’m a damn good dancer.” He winks at me, and I stifle a stupid smile.

He really is, which only drives me a little crazier.

“Why are you such a stalker?” I ask him, slowly loosening up as he moves with me across the dance floor, holding me to him with graceful ease.

“Because you’re hard not to stalk,” he tells me with a cheeky grin.

Then… Then I do that stupid thing I’ve been trying not to do.

All it takes is one tug on the back of his neck, and he’s on me, his lips finding mine in a hungry collision that steals my breath and fills my lungs at the same time, hot and demanding. When his tongue slips in, I moan into his mouth, clutching his hair tighter as I kiss him like it’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.

He tastes just like a bad decision on a perfect tequila night, and I’m lost, spiraling out of control as I kiss him even harder.

It’s just as incredible as I worried it would be, and my entire body crackles with sensations that have been dormant for far longer than I care to admit. His left hand tangles in my hair, struggling to get a hold in the pinned curls, while his other hand grips my hip with a need that matches my own.

A loud throat clearing is the only thing that brings me back to my senses, and I tear my lips away from his, breathing heavily as my head goes to his chest. His body is like stone, as though he’s unable to move, and I count to ten silently before pulling back.

Because things have gotten far too real, I do something even dumber.

“I can’t have a threesome with you!” I yell, watching as his eyebrows hit his hairline. “Despite what you think, it’s not my fantasy to be with two guys at once. Explore your sexuality on your own, and stop asking me to help! The last time, you only paid attention to the guy and you both acted like you forgot I was even there!”

He opens his mouth and closes it again as his eyes widen, and I wink while turning to walk away. Everyone is staring, but after learning what assholes they all are, I don’t care what they think about me.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance