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“When did you get it?”

He shrugs. “Shortly after you told me Bananas chewed through your charging cord. Thought we’d get a chance to play. But kept forgetting about it in the heat of the moment.”

My smile spreads more by the second as he walks toward me. He cuts it on, and I gingerly push my shorts down.

“Eager much?” he muses, arching an eyebrow at me when I get my shorts off.

“Yes, please.”

He restrains a l

augh while rolling his eyes, and he slides down on the bed beside me, pushing my shirt up. It dawns on me that I never put on a bra today, and all of our friends just saw me like that… Men included.

The thought vanishes though when Ethan gets my shirt off, because his mouth is suddenly latching onto my nipple, and some incredibly weird noise escapes me. Not that he seems to mind.

I’m suddenly squeaking in surprise when vibrations hit me right in the good spot, and my eyes cross when I realize Ethan is using the wand on me. His weight is pressed against my bad leg—far away from my injury—to keep me from using it and accidentally popping a stitch.

My good leg, however, is moving wildly, stretching out and bending up, trying to get away and get closer at the same time. When the climax hits me, my eyes screw shut, and I mumble a few incoherent things.

Ethan pulls the wand away, and I pant like a dog as I try to open my eyes. When I finally look up at him, his features are tense, and his boxers—when did he strip down to them?—are tented with the reason why.

Grinning, I snake my hand between us. “Your turn,” I tell him, grabbing him through the material.

He shudders against me, and his lips come down on mine for a brief second. “I want your mouth,” he says against my lips, causing me to grin.

“My Romeo,” I murmur teasingly.

Smirking, he climbs over me, getting on his knees as he straddles my face and grips the headboard. Right when he’s lined up with my lips, I lean forward and lick the tip.

Something creaks above me, but Ethan keeps his hips perfect still.

The irony isn’t lost on me. We spent most the first portion of our relationship skipping foreplay because we were both too greedy for the main event. Now it’s all we can do, since there’s no way we can be gentle enough with my leg.

But I can make sure he enjoys it while he patiently waits for these damn stitches to come out.

Reaching up, I grab him with both hands, and I suck him into my mouth as far as I can go. And I don’t stop until he’s calling my name and shooting down my throat.

I hate swallowing, but I’d continue to do anything to hear him sing those praises he’s pouring out right now. When I’ve drained him, he drops to my side and pulls me in close, running his lips along my forehead.

“Now I really love you,” he says, causing me to laugh as he grins against my head.

“Good. Because my hormones are going to be sooo fucked up. You’ll have to love me to endure it,” I tell him sweetly.

He feigns a groan, but he’s still smiling when he kisses his way down my cheek.

“I’ll just fuck you out of the crazy mood swings,” he deadpans.

“Sounds like a plan,” I say around a yawn.

He tugs me closer, spooning his body around mine as my eyes grow heavier and heavier. That picture perfect family image is back in my head, but this time, it feels real instead of a dream.



Two weeks later…

ME: Where the fuck are you?

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance