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Who the fucking hell is Bob?

“Daddy laughed when I told him mommy had a boyfriend named Bob. You’re not laughing,” Angel points out, but my head is swimming, still stuck on the pregnant thing.

“Aunt Bella! You’re here! My cousin is going to be a girl!”

My head jerks to the door where Bella is standing with wide, shocked eyes, and the color slowly drains from her face.

Her look says it all.

Bella’s pregnant.

And she wasn’t going to tell me.

I thought she, of all people, would never count me out.

Chapter 65


Horrified. Shocked. Sick. Maybe even a little dizzy?

Yes. Yes. I’m all those things.

Angel knows? How the hell does Angel know? Allie would never tell her. Hell, she hasn’t even told Wren.

But the hurt expression on Ethan’s face is what has my heart breaking. My non-response has said too much.

“How long?” he asks quietly, then clears his throat. “How long have you known?”

“Angel,” I say, forcing a smile as I look over at her. “Can you give me a second to talk to Ethan?”

“But he’s an asshole,” she says so sweetly.

Any other time, I’d laugh. Not right now though.

“Please,” I say again, but she knows it’s not a question.

It’s the tone of my voice that has her immediately jumping up and heading to her room. I wait until I hear the door close before I face Ethan again.

“The week I went silent is the week I found out. It wasn’t Allie’s pregnancy tests the girls found. It was mine.”

He slowly closes his eyes, his entire body tensing as his jaw tics.

“You should know, this is all my fault,” I add in a rasp, guilty tone. “I was irresponsible. I forgot my shot… My birth control shot. This is on me, so I understand it if you hate me. I also don’t want anything from you—financially. I can support the baby on my own, and I won’t take anything.”

He doesn’t speak out to deny he hates me. His entire body is so tense that I’m worried he’ll snap if he tries to move.

“And the night you showed up at the party? Were you really coming to tell me you loved me or that you were pregnant?” he asks as his eyes open again and train their unreadable gaze on me.

Apparently he doesn’t feel like addressing the birth control situation just this moment. Or the fact I will refuse child support.

No way can I ever take a dollar from him.

“I was coming to tell you I loved you. I didn’t want to crush your dreams of a carefree future until I told you that at least.”

He scrubs his face with his hands, and he turns his back to me again. It’s a lot to process. I needed exactly seven days to get all my emotions under control.

I start to walk away to give him space, because staring at him will have me in tears. He doesn’t deserve to deal with my emotional train wreck right now.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance