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But you still love me.

Groaning inwardly, I try to stop thinking about it. It was the stupidest thing in the world to say. I surprised both of us by saying it, but apparently she’s not shrugging it off as easily as I did.

She sat across the table from me instead of the empty seat I saved for her at my side. She keeps staring at her food, moving it around on her plate with a fork, but not really eating. The small meal we had before coming here is long gone by now. I’m starving, but I feel guilt for eating, since she doesn’t seem able to do the same.

“Mommy!” Angel’s shrill voice jolts me out of my thoughts as Ray and Melanie walk up with a full arsenal of children, including Tag’s new baby that is asleep in her car-seat.

Ash is up and meeting them halfway, taking her daughter, while Tag grabs their son up from the ground and tosses him in the air, catching the boy who laughs like it’s the greatest thing ever.

“How long has she been asleep?” Ash asks Melanie, while Ray comes to take a seat by me.

Carrie and Angel shoot up to the house, disappearing inside like little firecrackers.

Ray doesn’t even look tired after having everyone’s kids for most of the day. I’d be ready to throttle someone by now.

“A few hours,” Melanie says, beaming.

Ash’s jaw drops. “What? How?”

The baby sleeps right through the conversation, even though she does stretch a little.

“He’s the baby whisperer, apparently,” Melanie says with pride.

“A drop of whiskey on the pacifier,” Ray whispers to me. “Works every time.”

I choke on my food, and he barks out a laugh while shaking his head.

“Kidding,” he says, enjoying watching me strangle.


Raya goes to gush over the baby, and Kade watches her with a smile. But my gaze returns to Bella, who seems lost right now, not even realizing anything is going on around her.

When I glance over, Allie jerks her eyes away from me like she was just caught staring. The hell? Did she hear what happened?

Melanie joins us at the table, while Carrie and Angel run inside to Carrie’s room. I’m busy trying to figure out a way to broach what I said earlier with Bella, because I hate feeling like I’ve fucked this all up.

Tag’s baby girl gets passed around the table, everyone taking their turns holding her. Obviously I move the fuck out of that circle. That thing is way too small for my big hands. I might break her.

Bella finally watches me for the first time all night as I vehemently refuse to touch the tiny little baby, and Ray takes her in my place, kissing the top of her head.

“He’ll make a wonderful grandfather,” Melanie says, eyeing Raya and Kade.

“When he’s not teaching her to pick locks or open safes without a combination,” Kade says, smirking.

“Actually, learning that stuff is really fun,” Raya says with a shrug.

Ray ignores it all as he passes the baby back to Ash, who willingly hugs her close. Bella’s eyes avert my gaze when I finally decide to acknowledge the fact I know she’s staring.

I’ve apparently really fucked up. Maybe it was more about the fact I shot away from her like hell was on my heels after I said it. It just caught me off guard. I mean, it’s not like I was confessing anything, but it sure as hell felt like I was.

Confused and annoyed, I push my plate away and turn up my beer, guzzling it down.

“Mommy!” I hear Angel saying as she and Carrie come running down to where we are. “We’re playing doctor!”

Maverick starts laughing, and Rain elbows him in the ribs. “Asshole,” she mutters just loud enough for us to hear, before her smile blooms.

“Are you having fun?” Rain asks Carrie, who shyly glances around at us before whispering something in Rain’s ear.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance