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“I was planning on bringing him on after the fall line fully launched as head of marketing,” Bora says meekly.

Viv’s breath catches, apparently hearing Bora, and I slowly sink to a chair.

“That son of a bitch,” Viv finally says quietly. “I need to go burn his shit, so I’m going to let you go. Um… Thank you for calling me. As weird as that sounds.”

“It’s not weird. I’d want to know. I just don’t want you thinking Bora knew, because she—”

“I believe you, Bo. You wouldn’t be calling me right now if she was guilty. I feel sorry for her. Not angry at her.”

I nod, but as usual, it takes me a second to realize she can’t see me.

“I’m sorry.” I wince when I realize how generic that sounds. Her husband just shattered their marriage, and I’m telling her sorry for letting her know.

She takes a shaky breath, but clears her throat, doing her damnedest not to let the slight tremble get noticed when she speaks again.

“Don’t be. Just do me a favor and tell Jax so that I don’t have to. I’d rather not hear the I told you so speech. And… Give me a day or two before you tell him. Please. I need a night to myself, and I don’t want my mother coming over and telling me what I need to do right now. I just… I just can’t.”

As badly as I want to Jax to know ASAP, I totally understand what’s she’s asking.

“No problem.”

She hangs up, and I lower my phone as Bora starts wiping tears away from her eyes.

“I had to tell her because—”

She laughs humorlessly, cutting me off. “Don’t. I completely understand why you called her and told us both at the same time. I’m not pissed at you.”

She swallows hard, and someone pounds at the door. “Bora? What the hell?” Dixon calls from the other side.

Her eyes dart to mine, and I start to walk toward the door. Her scrambling off the couch has me pausing, and she walks by me like she’s on a mission.

“This is one breakup I’ll handle myself.”

Well, I’ll be damned.

I cross my arms over my chest and watch as she opens the door. Dixon looks confused when he takes her in.

“What’s wrong?”

“My boyfriend is a lying son of a married bitch. That’s what’s wrong. Go fuck off. I’m done.”

His jaw tenses, and he rolls his shoulders back before chancing a glance at me. Maybe I’ve lost my mind, but I walk over to the door when he doesn’t look like he’s going to budge, and I actually do what I want to for once.

I kick him in the freaking balls as hard as I can.

A loud breath wheezes out of him as he grabs himself and crumbles to the floor. Bora slams the door to punctuate the point. I lock it immediately, because I’m not badass enough to deal with him if he stands up pissed and ready for revenge.

Bora goes back to my couch, and my heart breaks for her as tears start streaming down her cheeks. You can tell she isn’t used to actually breaking up with guys, because that was the shortest breakup in history.

“Hope you don’t mind covering for me tomorrow,” she says, hiccupping out a sob she’s trying to restrain.

My phone buzzes, but I don’t read it right away. I go curl up on the couch beside my sister and hold her as she falls apart for the first time in our lives.

Chapter 39


I check my phone. Again. Because I’m seriously getting worried about Bo. She hasn’t called or text since she said Bora needed her last night, and it took all my willpower not to go over there when I didn’t hear back from her.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance