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I narrow my eyes, daring him to say otherwise.

“Damn straight she’s one of us in our eyes,” he explains. “But not to everyone else. We see Ruby differently than most people. If she walks into court, they’re not going to see a good, strong, compassionate woman who was standing up to a man who threatened and physically harmed her sister. They’re going to see a preppy, clean-cut frat boy who was assaulted by a tattooed menace in red high heels. One look at her father, and it’ll cement any outside opinion of guilt, because that dude is just a walking terror show.”

He takes a breath as that scene plays out before my eyes, and I grimace. Maverick goes on, as though he feels his actions need more explanation, even though now I understand his logic so much better.

“That frat boy prick would get to take everything she has in a civil suit, and she’d possibly serve time for assault with a deadly weapon. As much as I didn’t want to pay him, that’s all he really wants in the end—a free ride. Hell, it’s why he was fucking Cassie.”

It’s one of those times where I pretty much hate the system, since it has never worked out in favor of Ruby. You’re rarely judged based on the truth—you’re judged based on how you look when telling your version of the truth.

“Her grandfather is a very prestigious and esteemed judge,” I remind him.

“Who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about his granddaughter, considering he was willing to let her die in that neglectful house. Cassie is a toddler trapped in a woman’s body. She’s fickle as fuck, and tomorrow she might suddenly be on that douche guzzler’s side. Who do you think her judge father is going to listen to? I found the fucker’s price, and I made it go away.”

Fuck. “I really hate this.”

His eyes darken, and he gets unusually serious as his jaw ticks. His normal, easy, smiling self is currently missing in action.

“Not as much as I do,” he says while cracking his neck. “I’m the one who actually paid the turd gnat.”

My lips twitch at the name-call, but it’s all the humor I can muster.

“Let’s go check on Ruby’s little sister,” he says, clapping me on the arm and motioning inside.

As soon as we get inside, I notice Kode is on the couch, and it looks like he’s ready to tear something in two. His knee is bouncing and both hands are balled into fists as he glares at nothing in particular.

Ruby walks in, wearing a ghost of a smile, and she hands Kode a glass of ice water, while sitting down with one of her own. Her hair is wet, and she’s changed into yoga pants and a tank top. Fuck, those pants show the exact curve of her incredible ass. It might as well be nothing more than a layer of skin covering her up.

I take a seat beside her, casting questioning glances back at Kode, and I take her water from her hand just as he tosses all his back in a few, big gulps. Must have been a thirsty fucker.

When I take a sip, I end up spraying it across the living room, and Ruby snickers before retrieving her glass.

“That’s not water,” I choke out, still feeling the surprise of the burn.

“Vodka,” she says, still laughing lightly.

“Why are we drinking?” Maverick asks, his easy smile back in place.

To anyone else, he looks like he’s just as happy as always. He’s good at that shit. No one ever sees beneath the mask but me.

“Kode is having a minor breakdown,” Ruby says.

Krysta walks in, handing Kode another glass, and she sits down next to Maverick, who tosses an arm over her shoulder.

“They’re getting married,” Kode growls. “It’s official now.”

“Are we still talking about Allie and Wren?” I ask, confused. “Are you that jealous?”

He cuts his eyes toward me, and I half expect him to launch himself at me and throw a punch. My brow lifts, and he continues glaring daggers.

“I just got off the phone with Tria. Eleanor is marrying Rygan this weekend. They’re going to Vegas! That means that tattooed motherfucker is definitely going to be Tria’s stepbrother!”

A burst of laughter escapes me, but I quickly smother it with my hand before Kode really does throw a punch. Maverick is doing the same damn thing.

“What’s the big deal?” Ruby asks, even though she’s well-informed on the subject.

I suppose taunting Kode is easier than dealing with our shitty day.

“The big deal?” Kode snaps.

Maverick loses it, doubling over as laughter spills out of him without control.

“Dude,” he says, barely able to speak through the laughter, “you look like your head is about to explode. Chill the hell out. You don’t need a ring on her finger for her to be yours. She’s not going to fuck Rye just because he’s suddenly her stepbrother.”

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance