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“I didn’t know that,” Bella says with a shrug. “I just say it because his dad owns the hospital where I work, and Corbin is pretty much responsible for all the medical supplies, considering he owns all the companies we buy from. Therefore, he gets an extra name when spoken about.”

“I think we’re going in,” Britt says abruptly, turning and walking away and ending our random conversation.

Everyone starts filtering inside, and Jax waves as he and Maverick head out on a strip club adventure. Essentially we’re left with nothing but couples and Dale. Oh, and Bella and Britt, of course.

Corbin drops his arm around my shoulders, and I smile over at Raya and Kade as they creep out as well, acting as though they don’t want to be seen. It’s nice to see two very different people make it work.

Wren and Allie come out of Angel’s room, laughing about something Carrie and Angel are doing to Trip—Tag’s son. Ash walks out behind them, shaking her head with a smile on her face.

“He’s good at tea parties,” Allie notes.

“He’s good at having two women all to himself,” Tag says quickly from the couch.

Ash slaps his shoulder when she reaches him, and he gently pulls her onto his lap. I sit down on one of the other sofas, and Corbin slips in beside me, wrapping an arm around my waist.

“How do you like those panties?” he asks in a sexy whisper next to my ear.

“You have convenient timing. Be honest, you don’t like me talking to Jax,” I quip, even though I shouldn’t play along with this game.

I’m on dangerous ground, and I know it.

When I turn to face him, he winks, moving in until his face is inches away from mine.

“Be honest?” he asks like he’s challenging me. “I can be honest. You’re right; I don’t like you talking to Jax. Or anyone else for that matter. I’m also tired of pretending I just want to be friends, since we’re being honest right now.”

My heart jumps up to my throat, and I have to swallow it back down.

“What are you doing? We just talked last night about—”

“Last night I got to hold you, Ruby. Last night I got to touch you. Last night I got a taste of all the things I’ve missed the most. I can’t talk about the other thing I’ve had a taste of, but I can talk about the fact I’m sick of wanting something I can’t have. You know how I feel about you, so don’t pretend you don’t.”

This is seriously the worst place and worst time for this conversation. And where the hell is it coming from?

I open my mouth to speak, but that damn vibrating starts up again. I end up bucking forward, and my forehead crashes against Corbin’s. It’s only just shy of painful as I breathe hard and keep my head pressed against his, trying not to let everyone else see what’s going on.

His hand slides down to my waist, while his other hand clutches that damn remote.

“I fucked up. I was a nineteen-year-old stupid bastard. I’m not that kid anymore, Ruby.”

I swallow hard before shaking my head.

Talking while having a freaking vibrator going crazy in your pants is really hard to do. Especially in a room full of people. I’m half afraid my teeth might clatter if I open my mouth wrong.

“I… can’t,” I manage to say, and just as I feel the build of an orgasm, the vibrations stop, leaving me bereft and cold… and aching.

I whimper, and Corbin smiles while leaning over to my ear. “You can. I don’t deserve to ask you to trust me, but I’m asking anyway.”

“You only want me until you have me,” I remind him, just like I have every time this conversation has come up since that night. He’s never quite this insistent or abrupt about things though. Usually it’s just a quick mention.

The vibrating starts again, and I stifle a moan before tucking my face against his neck to muffle any more sounds that might surface.

“I want you all the damn time. Always have, Ruby. I… I was just stupid back then. I’m not giving you a choice this time. I’m just giving you a friendly warning. You’ll be mine before we go to sleep tonight.”

The vibrations stop abruptly, once again leaving me tortured and hanging on the ledge without a hope of falling off. I clutch his shirt, wishing I could strangle him right this second.

“All right,” Dale says, sounding really close and really amused. “Everyone listen up.”

My head jerks up to see him grinning over at us before turning his eyes to the room.

Once he has everyone’s attention, he continues. “Britt has never played truth or dare, so let’s play it with her.”

Tag chokes and struggles not to lose his drink, while Ash laughs and covers her mouth with her hand. Is she turning red?

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance