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“There are the girls,” Bella says, motioning toward the back where several tables are lined up.

Rain and Tria are sitting beside each other, talking to a pregnant chick I have to assume is Ash. Another dark-haired girl is talking as well, and I size her up. That has to be Raya. The spray-cheese girl is sitting close to them, and I fight back a grin.

I hate the country club, but Rain insisted on dinner here, since Dane is running a fundraiser in another room tonight. This is supposed to be my welcome back party, but we’re very, very, very early.

No one wants to miss Corbin’s entrance. Fortunately, it’s just the girls for now.

“Where’s Allie?” Brin asks as we sit down.

Another one I like. She’s feisty, but sweet, even though I’ve only met her once.

She tamed Rye, so I know she’s a secret badass. I also wouldn’t cross her based on what I’ve heard about their relationship, but I do plan on getting to know her better.

“She’s coming later. Angel and Wren were busy with homework when I called,” Bella tells her.

“No date?” Rain asks Bella.

It’s like this girl just fits right in. Hell, she fits in even better than I ever did, and she doesn’t seem like a socialite.

“I’m done dating,” Bella groans.

“I think I’ll buy us some drinks just to toast to that,” I tell her, motioning to the lone waiter in the room we have all to ourselves.

“You done, too, Ruby?” Tria asks, eyeing me curiously.

The last time I lived here, she was a royal bitch to everyone. Now she’s apparently a sweetheart. Head trip.

“Um… Yeah. Long story short, it’s too much work.”

I shrug, trying not to divulge too much. This group is way too curious about my link to Corbin, and Corbin is currently messing with my head.

The only difference is that I now have to deal with it instead of ignoring it for a few days. What was I thinking? That’d I’d magically be able to handle living here without falling into old habits?

Our rule since the night that ruined me: We never see each other for more than four days at a time on visits. I’ve seen him less than that since I’ve been back, but it feels like I’m suddenly surrounded by all things Corbin, and it’s rather suffocating.

“Obviously Ruby isn’t going to elaborate,” Rain says, leaning forward to study me for a second before turning her attention to Bella. “So why aren’t you sticking to the dating circuit?”

Bella rolls her eyes before leaning back, and I swear I see a hint of a scowl on her face.

“Because I’m cursed or something. Even the good guys turn into obnoxious assholes if they date me.”

Brin stirs her straw in her drink, as Raya speaks. “Sometimes you just have to peel back the asshole layer to find something underneath.”

Everyone chuckles, but Bella shakes her head.

“I’d rather just find a guy who’s already been peeled, thank you.”

“Assholes can be a lot of fun and incredibly hot,” Tria says. Considering she’s with Kode, I know she’s speaking from experience.

“This conversation sounds a little dirty now,” Brin points out, laughing when Tria groans.

“You know what I mean. And you’ve spent too much time around Rye.”

Everyone chuckles, but Bella remains serious.

“I know the assholes and bad boys can be fun, but I’m over it. I want real romance. Not just some intense hookup with a guy because he makes me sweat or says all the right things for one night. Those relationships never last,” Bella says on a tired sigh.

“So the sweet romance like Allie and Wren have?” I muse.

“No,” she groans. “Their story started with a fake name and an accidental pregnancy. I want the good stuff from the beginning.” She purses her lips before looking over at Raya. “Like Raya and Kade.”

I might not know faces, but I do know names and stories. Corbin keeps me well informed. And… Well…

Raya’s drink pauses at her lips as she cocks an eyebrow. “So you want to play games and be scared of your feelings until you both make each other jealous at the same time?” she asks dryly.

Sounds better than what I’ve been through with Corbin. Not that I’ll say that aloud.

“No.” Bella frowns before turning to Ash. “Fine. I want to be magical like Ash.”

Everyone laughs, including Ash, who shakes her head. “Clearly you haven’t heard all the details of our story. Trust me, you want a better start.”

Bella gestures toward Rain. “Fine. I’ll take what she has with Dane.”

Rain coughs on her drink before shaking her head. “So you want to spend six years not speaking because you’re both too prideful, stubborn, and immature to broach a misunderstanding?”

Bella’s shoulders slump, and her frown deepens. “No.” But her eyes brighten as she turns to Tria, and a wicked smile spreads. “I want what she has with Kode. There. I’ll take an asshole who is only an asshole to everyone but me.”

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance