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“Hey, Allie. Over here,” Bella calls, waving me over toward two guys who look a little older — early twenties, maybe— and I gratefully skip toward her and away from Chris Parks.

I stumble to a halt when I see the guys up close, because they’re sure as hell not from here or back home.

“Hey, these guys are from Cali — like us. This is Tag Masters and his friend Wren… Um… Sorry, I don’t know your last name.”

“Jacobs,” the guy with dark hair, soft lips, and a delicious smile says as he sticks his hand out for me. Wren Jacobs. I really like that name. I like it so much that I don’t even remember the other guy’s name at all—or how to speak, apparently, since everyone is staring at me expectantly.

“I’m Allie Thrash,” I mumble shyly, prompting his grin to grow.

“How drunk are you?” Tag asks Wren, though I don’t know why.

Wren grins at me before giving me a wink that makes my heart flutter almost too painfully. No one has ever looked at me like that. I’ve always been the foster girl who lived with Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. My identity has always been as lost as me, but right now, I feel like someone is looking at me for the first time without any judgment, pity, or discomfort. I feel… like a normal person.

“Tequila is my best friend,” Wren tells Tag, prompting the guy to laugh. Tag seems thoroughly interested in Bella, fortunately. Which leaves all of Wren’s attention focused on me.

“Want to grab a drink?” Wren asks me.

This trip finally feels like it’s worth it.

“You’re drunk. We shouldn’t do this,” Wren says in protest, but his lips continue to stroke mine, just as his tongue returns to explore my mouth. I could kiss him all night, but I want more.

I refuse to leave here without doing this. For me. I need to feel wanted. Wren’s hands feel like medicine on burned skin, and his lips taste like heaven, saving me from hell.

“Please,” I whisper. “You’re drunk too. I swear I’m sober enough.”

Never thought I’d have to beg.

He gives me a lopsided grin while leaning back, his fingers toying with the strings on my bikini top until he pulls them free, exposing me to his hungry eyes. I’ve never felt so good about myself.

“Baby, if you really want this, I won’t refuse, but you don’t have to,” he says again, nibbling my bottom lip while grabbing my hips a little rougher.

A whimper escapes me, and my heart grows heavy in my chest, pounding as though it might escape at any moment. This is more exciting, more passionate, and far more desired than my first time where I stupidly trusted the wrong idiot with my virginity.

I’ve only known Wren for one night, but I’ve never had anyone look at me the way he does. It’s as though I’ve gotten a redo here. A fresh start. He doesn’t know me or my baggage, and he just wants me.

“I really want to do this,” I whisper against his lips.

His grin returns, and he stands with me strapped around his waist, staggering lightly and snickering when he catches his balance. When he drops me to my hotel room bed, my grin only grows. A drunken night in Mexico – just what the doctor ordered.

Wren doesn’t waste time shedding his clothes, and I follow his lead. Instead of going with any foreplay, he pushes me up on the bed and settles between my legs.

“I’ve wanted to do this all night. Last chance to back out,” he says as he produces a condom from the pocket of his shorts that are discarded beside us on the bed, his body swaying off balance when he tries to sit back on his haunches.

I shake my head, licking my lips when I see his body fully naked and poised to take mine. Unable to look away, I watch as the rubber rolls down the hard flesh that is making me flush from head to toe.

“I want to do this,” I say in a rasp whisper.

He grins as he drops back down, putting a hand on either side of my head, and he pushes in, slowly sinking into me with a burning, stretching feel. This feels so much better than last time.

“Damn,” he murmur softly. “So good.”

I reach up to touch him just as he pulls back and thrusts forward a little harder, eliciting a moan or a whimper from me. Not sure which. I want to kiss him, but his head is back as he thrusts in harder and harder, building something inside of me like I wasn’t expecting.

I’ve had orgasms—most self-induced. But this… Something heavy is building inside me, claiming me with a power that promises I’m going to be in pain when it explodes. It takes me a minute to realize those terrible sounds are coming from me, but I can’t stop them any more than I can stop the powerful eruption that rolls through me, shocking me. My scalp tingles all the way down to my curled toes as my body grows heavy and tired.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance