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“Allie, it’s like taking away my rights by not taking my money. I’m not buying penance, if that’s what you’re worried about. There’s not enough money in the world to make up for what I did, or what I’ve missed out on as a result, but I want to know I’m doing right by you and Angel now.”

She tilts her head to the side, studying me once again.

“We’ll figure out something that doesn’t require money. I’m low maintenance. Extra money isn’t really necessary. And I’ve got a better job than I had back home, so our budget is better, which is why we’ve upgraded to a house. We might only rent it, but it’s a good place. This isn’t about our living arrangement, is it?”

Never simple. Why can’t my life be simple like it used to be?

“No. It’s not. This is a great neighborhood. The house is nice. I’d never question you there, because I’d have no right. This is solely about me making sure my daughter has everything she wants or needs without you having to do it on your own.”

She seems to get wobbly again, like she did earlier, and I lean up to steady her. Confused by her cursing, I arch my eyebrows. Even her hips seem to fit my hands perfectly. And like gravity is against me, her body is suddenly pressed against mine again, finding everything on me that is reacting to her.

“You’re tired, aren’t you?” I force myself to ask, waiting on her to give me a reason to get out of here before I really fuck up.

She shakes her head before pinching the bridge of her nose, but she doesn’t pull away. “Not even a little tired. I can’t believe you and your friends got us moved and completely unpacked so quickly.”

She doesn’t have a ton of stuff. It’s not like it was a big deal. But she’s grateful, which makes me look a little better in her eyes, so I don’t point out that it was an easy move. I also try not to push my cock right into her stomach.

“Sorry to interrupt,” Ray says, drawing our attention. “But can I have a moment?”

I really don’t need to let him see the shape I’m in, but I still turn to face the jackass and try to give him my attention, while carefully angling myself to somewhat hide my erection.

Ah, hell. There’s no hiding it. Fortunately, he doesn’t act like he notices.

“What’s up?” Allie asks, then she frowns. “Sorry. You weren’t talking to me, were you?”

He chuckles softly while coming the rest of the way into the house.

“Actually I was,” he says with his most charming smile. “I didn’t know about the move until it was too late. I was in the middle of a bank—”

“Heist?” I interrupt, smiling like a smartass.

He grins, but shakes his head, taking it in stride. Damn. No fight from him. But at least looking at him is making the painful erection slowly slink down.

“I was going to say bank security job. I was installing a new program. But I came when I found out. Since I didn’t get to contribute with my very impressive brawn, I was hoping you’d settle for my brain and accept my housewarming gift. I make the best security systems, and obviously the service will be free. No one will break into your home when I’m done with it.”

Ray Drivel makes laser security systems and bars shoot out of windows from hairpin pressure. No way in hell is that going in here.

“I think a simple alarm system would be better with a child in the house. You know, one that simply calls the cops if something is tampered with,” I remind him, feeling Allie tense beside me.

“What other kinds are there?” she whispers, but Ray hears and laughs.

“Not one of those systems,” he says to me, still laughing. “But one that will keep them safer. Trust me. You’ll sleep better. I’ll install it on a weekend while you’re away.”

Allie tilts her head. “We never go away for a weekend.”

“Then let me give you two housewarming gifts; A weekend spa trip for the household as well as a security system.”

That was going to be my gift. The manipulative son of a bit—

Allie looks up at me from under her lashes, stealing all my thoughts, and I brush her hair off her face before I realize what I’m doing. She quickly looks away, and I grimace. Why did I touch her like that?

“Um… I think that’s too much, and I can’t accept it.”

“Then you’ll go stay in one of Wren’s numerous homes during that time. He has a few beach houses. I’m sure you could enjoy time away that way. It’s important to have top notch security.”

Allie bites her lip, looking up at me again. Opportunity lands in my lap, so I take it.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance