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Rye nods while taking another sip, and then he stands to grab another drink from the fridge. Allie ceded to me spending more time with Angel, but I can tell she did so under duress.

My phone chirps just before Rye says something, and he waits while I check the new message.

ALLIE: We’re moving to a small house tomorrow. Will you help us? Sorry for the short notice.

I’m shocked that she even bothered to ask at all, considering she hates being around me for more time than necessary.

ME: I’ll be there, and I’ll bring help. Thanks for asking.

Christ. I’m thanking her for asking for my help. How quickly I have fallen from grace.

“What’s up?” Rye asks, apparently seeing the look on my face.

“We’re moving Allie, Bella, and Angel tomorrow. She just sent a text and asked for help.”

His grin forms lazily, and I roll my eyes before his taunts begin. Yeah. I know how fucking pathetic I look.

“I thought you were going to Dane’s country club party tomorrow.”

“I’ll cancel. If Allie’s asking for my help, then she desperately needs help. If I hire movers, it’ll make me look like a bitch. If I show up with my muscled-up friend, I’ll look like a badass in front of my daughter who is still on the fence about liking me.”

He laughs while plopping down beside me. “Why me? Brin and I never get a Saturday alone anymore. She’s been busy as hell at work. It’s the first Saturday she’s had off in a while. What about Ethan? He’s home for a few more weeks before he heads back to Chicago.”

I shake my head, not pitying him one bit for losing two seconds with Brin, since they’re always together. “Ethan will try sticking his dick in Allie’s roommate, and I’ll be in the doghouse if he succeeds. I don’t even want him knowing Bella exists.”

Rye frowns but then nods knowingly. “What about Tag? Ash has shopping plans tomorrow with her mom, so he’ll be on his own.”

It’s sad that he knows their plans, but Ash and Brin are getting closer every day, and Rye absorbs anything out of his girlfriend’s mouth, no matter how unimportant.

“Tag has already stuck his dick in her roommate, but he doesn’t remember it. I haven’t mentioned it, and I don’t plan to. He doesn’t remember me meeting Allie, so obviously Bella is just a blur. I’d rather not open that can of worms, because I’d be in a bigger doghouse. Again, you’re it. Even if you do find me extra help, they will be extra help, because Allie has met you and sewed you up, so you owe her. And Brin is going, too. Tell her. She’ll be happy to repay the favor. She can spill good things about me while I’m working my ass off.”

He laughs harshly while holding his hands up in surrender. “Damn. Fine. I’ll go and break even with the girl. And Brin will come, too. She’s mentioned doing something for her a few times. What about Kade and Raya? They’re in town tomorrow. Raya sent a text to Brin asking her if we had any plans. You know Kade will help, and Raya is always game.”

The more people there who like me, the better. “Sounds good. I’ll give him a call. If Dane didn’t have that country club thing, I’d ask him for help.”

“Corbin and Maverick are out, I’m assuming,” he says, grinning. “Considering they’d work harder than Ethan to get their dick in the roommate if she’s hot.”

Sighing, I lean back and mentally cross out all the names of the people who aren’t allowed to help. After realizing what a task that is, I look back at Rye. “Only guys in a serious relationship. Only girls I’ve never dated and who aren’t friends or friendly with Erica. Deal?”

He gives me his lazy grin once again while digging his phone out of his pocket. Then we get to work.

Chapter 7


“What time will our muscle be here?” Bella asks from the kitchen as the sound of box tape scratches my annoyed ears. I didn’t realize how much we hadn’t packed.

“Any minute now. He said he was bringing help.”

I still can’t believe how quick his response was. Or that he thanked me for asking for his help. And I really hate that it made me smile.


Angel comes skipping in, swaying from side to side with her tiara on like she’s a princess.

“When is Wren coming? I want him to see my doll collection before I finish packing. He’s going to get me a new one for Christmas.”

“You already asked him for one?” I ask, swallowing hard. I hadn’t thought about Christmas. His is going to seem so elaborate next to what I can afford.

“Nope. I’m going to show him my dolls, and then tell him which ones I need. He told me to be thinking of what I want for Christmas because he’s got a big family, and they all buy the kids presents. There are only three kids. That means a third of the presents will be mine.”

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance