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“Yes. For a few years now.”

“What do you do?”

“Everything,” Rye says before I can answer. “She’s supposed to be the assistant to the director, but she should be the director, because that lazy dick never does anything. It’s always her. She’s the one who handles all the exhibits, the shipments, the inventory, the special showings, the event planning... All of it. I haven’t seen her lazy boss get off his ass yet.”

I can’t help but smile again, and suddenly it doesn’t matter if we’re giving them a show that contradicts all of our denials. I kiss him, and I don’t hold back. Neither does he.

“Where’s that wine? I need something dry to counteract all the damn sweet shit they’re spewing,” Ethan says, but we both ignore him.

I’m a little scared to drink. My father always said not to drink when you had secrets to keep. You never know what might come out.

Chapter 13


“This sucks,” Ethan harps as Brin moves off my lap and toward the wine.

“What sucks?” I ask, my eyes transfixed on her as she pours a new glass.

“All of you.”

She hasn’t had but a few sips. I keep drinking the whole damn glass the second she gets back with it. This turned out to be a very good day. I needed this.

And Brin is perfect. She’s held true to her word, and she hasn’t pushed for anything more than what we have. And tonight she’s laughed, flirted with me, and kissed me in front of the world without giving a damn about their constant meddling.

If Ash had her way, Brin and I would be getting married right now. But we’ve learned to ignore all of them.

“Why do we suck?” I ask absently, still watching Brin as she laughs with the very drunk Raya.

“I came back expecting to get to hang out with some of you while I’m here. Kode is up Tria’s ass—which is still fucking crazy to me. They hated each other when I left, then they were in love at Rain’s wedding. Dane and Rain are married, which is bizarre, considering they weren’t speaking when I left. Kade is engaged to Raya, which is freaking me the fuck out. I never expected him to settle down. Wren is MIA. And then you. You’re the biggest shock of all.”

My brow hits my hairline as I turn to face him. “What does that mean?”

He frowns as he wobbles in his seat. He’s too drunk to speak right, but he’s still sober enough to piss me off.

“Dude, fess up. You’re in love with that girl. You barely keep your hands and eyes off her. I’m surprised, really. She’s so damn sweet. I picture her being with Wren more than you.”

I frown as Brin starts to come back, but her eyes go between me and Ethan before she turns back and starts talking to Tria instead.

“Brin’s awesome, but I’m not in love. You and I haven’t hung out because I’m choosing sex over beer. Sorry. Priorities,” I joke.

I shouldn’t tell him that there have been days where I hung out at my beach home alone, just to keep from running across the street to see Brin. If he knew I had days off from her, he’d expect me to hang out with him, and that would lead to him wanting me to chase women with him. And there’s only one girl I can focus on.

He rolls his eyes. “You’re not choosing sex over beer. You’re choosing her. Just admit it. It’s no big deal; it just sucks to finally be back and suddenly everything is different.”

I don’t like what he’s saying, but when Raya introduces Brin to one of her cousins—her male cousin—I flinch. This party expanded once guys started showing up. Now it’s a houseful of Raya’s friends and family, along with some of Kade’s friends and family. And I don’t like the way this guy is looking at my girl.

“I’m not in love,” I say to him, but I’m reminding myself. Love is complicated, messy, and fucked up. Love is a relentless bind that drowns you and holds you down. Love is the last thing a guy like me can endure, because then it all becomes real and the fun is gone. Love is a bitter, cold-hearted bitch, and I don’t want it. Not to mention, I can’t have it.

“You want another drink?” Ethan asks as he stands.

“Bring the whole bottle,” I murmur numbly. I need to drink this conversation away, because I don’t want to think. Why’d he have to go and ruin this for me?



“You’re drunk,” I giggle, smiling as Rye dances with me, his grin only growing each time he puts a sloppy kiss on my lips.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance