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Yep. I’m fucked.

“Oh?” I ask, grinning as she snuggles into me.

“Forget it. I’m spent. No more sex tonight. Still want me to stay?” she mumbles, yawning as her precious body molds to mine, and she tucks her head under my chin.

Something warm spreads throughout my body as she hugs me to her. I hold her to me, feeling so damn comfortable that it’s mind-boggling, and I grin against the top of her head.

“Yes,” is my simple response. Because I do want her here. I’ll deal with all of this confusion some other time.

Chapter 10


“You bastard!” I yell as the sticky, colorful assault pours from all of the

showerheads. Why the hell did I let my guard down?

Rye laughs as he holds the shower doors closed, and I curse him while trying to figure out how in the hell to turn this damn digital shower thing off. It needs a frigging passcode! Who honestly believed so much technology was a good thing?

I try to reach one of the showerheads to shove it away, but the tall son of a bitch has installed all of them too high for me to reach without something to stand on. I had to pull a chair in here when I sabotaged him. I really wish I had that chair right now.

“Payback, tiger,” he says, grinning, even though his face is obstructed by the fog on the doors.

Tiger. It’s a simple word, and he’s called me that before while playing our game, but it sounds different after you’ve had sex with someone—mind-blowing, phenomenal, life-altering sex.

Does he have to be this amazing? It almost makes me hate him.

“I’m going to kill you,” I growl as the sticky mess finally starts slowing down and turning a little clearer, promising me that the Kool-Aid attack is almost over.

He just laughs, and I stand here in all my nakedness as the colors slowly dissipate. I’m scowling, but he can’t see it through the even more steamed-up glass.

Finally, the clean water starts coming through, and I get under the flow to start rinsing away the sticky aftermath that is all in my hair. Closing my eyes, I put my head back and get to work on my hair. Poor hair.

I shouldn’t grin when his body is suddenly against mine, but I do. I shouldn’t angle my neck to give him better access to kiss it, but I do. And I definitely shouldn’t let his lips start devouring mine, but I can’t help myself. I can’t believe he got up this early.

“I’d love to stay in here with you,” he murmurs against my lips, “but you’d never get to work if I did.”

Work is seriously the last thing on my mind.

I pull him to me and kiss him harder, fully prepared to be late, but he forces me to let him go while he laughs.

“Get finished. I’ll make you some coffee.”

As sweet as that sounds... “I’ll pass on the coffee,” I say while glaring at the gloriously naked man in front of me. Does he really think I’m that stupid?

His grin spreads as he shrugs and opens the door. “Your loss. I make an excellent cup.”

“I prefer sugar. Not salt.”

He just laughs while walking out, and I frown. I really wanted shower sex this morning.

“Fuck it,” he says, suddenly back in the shower with me, and I grin in anticipation when his lips come down on mine and he picks me up.



I expected to get inside the house and tiptoe around in an effort to get ready and hurry to work, but Maggie and Carmen are sitting on the couch, both of them grinning as they stare at me.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance