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“You referred to Sarah Jergens as the purple-dress girl because you couldn’t remember her name. You bitched about Tria dying her hair from blonde to black. And Jessica just told you about a meeting you have tomorrow. So you just answered all three wrong. Care to tell me again that Brin isn’t in your head?”

I shift uncomfortably in my chair. I really didn’t notice Jessica at all. I saw her walk my way, realized that she bent over too far, but it’s like I didn’t ever really see her. And she spoke?

“I didn’t notice Jessica because she’s listed under one of my two rules—I don’t fuck people from work. Too much drama.”

“You’re really hell-bent on denying this, aren’t you?”

“Why is it so hard for you to believe we’re just friends? Look at Rain and the Sterlings. Proof is there. There is nothing physical going on with the guys and Rain, yet all of them would have paid for her car to get fixed if she couldn’t have afforded it. So there.”

A challenge brews in his eyes.

“They’ve known Rain since they were kids. It took years for them to get that sort of closeness with no romantic feelings. But she and Dane were instantly close. Sort of like you and Brin.”

I’m going to strangle him. “We’re not Rain and Dane. We’re Rain and Maverick—friends.”

He grins as he leans forward, and I want to slap the hell out of him.

“Fine. If you honestly don’t have any feelings for Brin, then I suppose you’ll be fine with the girl I’m setting you up with tonight.”

Ah, fuck.

“Tonight? No offense, but Ash has the worst taste in women. And I have plans for the foreseeable future when it comes to her blind dates.”

He laughs condescendingly, and I glare at him.

“I didn’t say Ash has you a date. I said I have you a date. And I’ve got damn good taste. Have you met my wife? She’s fucking perfect.”

“And you know this girl?” I muse, semi-suspicious since the only woman he ever notices is his wife.

“Corbin Sterling knows her. She’s not one of his exes though. She’s a sister of a girl he dated. He said he was sending you a picture. And the girl knows her cars. She might know more than you.”


I really don’t want to go on a damn date. I have plans. I’m dying to see Brin in the kitchen. No one has ever actually cooked dinner for me.

“Why tonight?”

“Because now that the initial shock of the baby is over, Ash is excited and she wants to celebrate with her friends. Of course you know Brin will be there. Ash was calling her before I left.”

I frown as his words resonate. “So Brin will be there all by herself.” Now it makes sense. “I see what you’re doing, and I’m not playing along. You think when I see Brin all alone that I’ll drop my date and go to her. Well, you’re right, but not because of the reasons you think. We’re friends, and I’m not going to ignore her for someone I don’t know. It sucks to be around a bunch of couples while you’re stag. That’s the only reason I let your relentless wife set me up with women at your functions. Thanks, but no thanks. I’m not playing your game.”

I really hate his smirk. “No game. Ash said she’s setting Brin up on a date to make up for the bad date with Wren. So you’ll be all alone if you don’t go with the girl I’ve picked out for you.”

What the hell?

“And Brin said yes?” I ask, trying not to sound angry. This shouldn’t be pissing me off.

“Yep. So what’s it going to be?”

I glance at the time, and try not to let my jaw tick. Before we both crashed on the couch last night, we discussed hanging out at my place. Apparently she’s obsessed with my kitchen and wants to cook in there. Then she tells Ash she wants to go out on a date without even canceling on me?

“Fine. I’ll meet your girl.”

Tag smiles as though he has a secret, and then he walks out without saying another word.

Looking at the time, I decide to head home and get ready for my fucking date. She’d better be as perfect as Tag promised.

A text from the bastard I hate the most comes across the screen, and I groan when I read it. I should have just ignored it. This is quickly becoming the worst day I’ve had in a while.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance