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“She got you again, eh? Damn. You’re getting your ass kicked.”

“I’ve done some ass kicking, too,” I defend, pissed that he thinks I’m just taking it and not dishing it out.

He rolls his eyes as he walks over to join Rain and Tria, taking part in whatever conversation they’re having.

I look up just as the devil steps out, wearing a casual pair of white shorts and a red tank top. The other girls here are all in sexy, tight dresses, including the girl Ash has set me up with, yet my tormentor is here looking like she’s ready for a day at the beach.

She takes in everyone, and frowns, apparently noticing the same thing. Ash waves her over, smiling happily as she turns

to me and mouths, “Get Wren.”

Poor Wren. He’s in for a night of hell.

“Your date’s here,” I grumble while moving over and slapping Wren on the arm, my eyes still on the girl I’d like to throw in the pool.

That’s not good enough. I need something epic after what she did to me earlier.

He turns around and looks at her, smiling as he says, “She looks like the only one here that came to relax.”

I frown as I try to understand his meaning. Is he complimenting her or putting her down?

“What do you—”

“Wren,” Ash interrupts, smiling as she guides Brin over. “This is the girl I’ve been telling you about.”

Brin looks down, acting as though she’s a little shy or awkward. That’s sure as hell not the girl I know.

“Hey,” she says bashfully when she finally peers back up.

“Hey,” Wren says back, giving her a smile he barely uses.

I still don’t know what’s going on with him, but I can tell he’s not really at this party. Well, physically he is, but his mind is a million miles away. He’s going to hurt her feelings if he doesn’t act right.

“Hey,” I mock, rolling my eyes before glaring at her.

Her smile morphs into a real one and grows as she looks at me, and then she bites back the taunting grin. “You smell... odd,” she says coyly, and I narrow my eyes at her.

“Wonder why?” I growl, and her laughter breaks free.

I don’t care how cute her damn laugh is, she’s still going to have one hell of a reckoning the second I find the perfect revenge.

“You two are still warring, I see,” Tria says, chuckling as she walks up.

Kode comes to rest a possessive hand on her hip, staking his claim as though I’m interested.

“She broke into my house and baby-oiled my floor, and then bombed me with air freshener,” I gripe, and everyone starts laughing, including Wren.

Her smile is aimed at me as she says, “We’re even. Truce for the night?”

Even? Ha! “We’re not even close to even, but yes—truce for the night. We need some boundaries.”

She nods, agreeing with me. I’ll regret that if I see something I could get back at her with. But for now, I’ll give her a damn temporary truce.

“Hey,” Ingrid says, sidling up beside me as she tries to interfere with our conversation.

Apparently hey is all anyone else wants to say tonight. At least this girl is completely normal, unlike some of the others Ash has introduced me to.

Brin’s eyes scan the long legs of the blonde attached to my arm, and she appraises the skin-tight dress that is glued to the body of the bomb-shell. I almost release a smug smile when she tugs at the ends of her shorts, obviously feeling uncomfortable. At least her shorts fit for a change.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance