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“This is worth at least seven-hundred dollars,” I argue, groaning as the man behind the glass case shakes his head.

“I realize that, but this is a pawn shop. I can’t give you what it’s worth, because I have to sell it. It’s business. I’ve told you; three-hundred is my highest offer. I have to turn a profit. People don’t come in here to pay full price. I’ll be lucky to get six-hundred for it.”

Damn. “And you won’t let me pay this now and pay more next month? For my car?”

He frowns while shaking his head. “You’ve got a sad story with no proof. I hear sad stories all day. I can’t cut you any breaks. I’d be broke if I took pity on everyone that had the same bad luck as you claim to have.”

This day sucks. My life sucks. This pawn shop sucks. My father sucks. Rye sucks. Rye’s father sucks. Everything and everyone frigging sucks.

I can’t believe I went to my dad for help. But I thought he might give me my old jewelry to sell or pawn. Nope. I’m still not allowed to have anything that used to be mine because I refuse to go back to college and choose a career that satisfies him, even if I prefer working at the museum.

Well, fine. Fuck them all.

I can’t believe Rye showed up. Well, I can believe it, but I wish he hadn’t. I shouldn’t have lied and told him I was going on a date. I knew better.

I leave the pawn shop without any success. My options are dried up. My car is going to be taken away tomorrow, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. I’ve lost this war, too. I’m the worst soldier ever.



Everything passes by me slower than usual, because I take my time driving home. How can one person have their life so thoroughly screwed up in a matter of a few years?

When I get home, there are several vases of roses, and all of them have balloons attached that say I’m sorry. I just want him to hold me. More than anything, I want to be in his arms, because he makes the worst day better. I miss being able to breathe.

But until he’s ready to admit this thing can go deeper, we’ll be stuck in limbo. And I’ll only ever know the parts of him that he wants to show. That night he broke me, I realized there’s so much more to him than he’ll ever share with me. He’ll keep me at arm’s length, and I’ll never have him. Not really.

He’s in pain, but he lives in denial. Just like he denies his feelings for me. I just wish he’d stop fighting the truth. But I know he never will, even though I’m still foolishly holding out hope.

“These have been coming all day,” Maggie says, motioning to the roses as she steps out onto the porch. “I’ve started making them leave ‘em all out here.”

She looks over my shoulder at Rye’s house, but I don’t. I know he’s waiting for me to do just that.

“I need liquor. Lots and lots of liquor.”



Brin’s car has been gone for two straight days. Where the hell is she?

I’d go to the museum, but I’m afraid she’ll cause a scene and lose her job. And then she’d really hate me.

“What are you doing?” Wren asks as I walk back into my house.

“Just got back from delivering a few goodies,” I say with a careless shrug.

“Pranks? You think that’s a good idea under the circumstances?”

“Roses haven’t worked, jewelry would be insulting to her, and... I’m going crazy without her, Wren. I just want her back. This is how I got her the first time.”

He sighs as he looks out the window with me. “Then maybe it’s time to face how you really fucking feel about her. I won’t pretend to understand what all you went through, but maybe Brin was dropped off across the street from you for a reason. Ash healed Tag. Dane healed Rain—and the other way around... Maybe Brin is what is going to heal you.”

“Gee, Dr. Phil, any more great wisdom to share?” I ask with a sarcastic lilt, and he rolls his eyes.

“Just trying to fucking help.”

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance