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I grin stupidly while picking out a pair of jeans and flats to wear. If he wants to make a day out of this, I should be comfortable.

It’s amazing how sexy he looks in just his jeans and a white T-shirt with some blue logo on the front. His backwards hat suits him. He doesn’t look like an overachieving business guru. He looks like a young, sexy bad boy.

His blonde hair just peeks out under the front rim, and it makes him even more appealing. I know women would kill to be in my spot right now. I’m not about to mess it up with a foolish confession of love.

The swelling on his face has gone down, but the bruise and small cut is still there, reminding me he’s hurt. Under his shirt hides the bruises, but he swears he’s not hurting.

Even with the bruise and cut on his face, he’s still the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen. There’s nothing that can mar his beauty, which is a little depressing. Maybe I’m even more in love than I realized.

He grins over at me when he catches me checking him out, and those grayish-blue, almost silver eyes sparkle with playful mockery as he arches a light brow.

“Keep looking at me like that, and I won’t get us out of here.”

I laugh while shaking my head, and I move to the bathroom to change. Getting naked in front of him would lead to being thrown on the bed—or against the wall. As appealing as that sounds, I’m also excited to go out in public and let everyone see this incredible man wrapped around me.

By the time I’m finished, Kode is waiting by the door, his eyes greedily raking over me like I’m wearing a sheet instead of modest clothing.

“We should hurry,” he says, shifting as though he’s aroused.

I giggle like an idiot while nodding. It’s like we’re a normal couple here. Nothing is barring us from getting closer, and it feels good—freeing.

His arm immediately goes around my shoulders as we head out, and it doesn’t move. When we reach the elevator, he has me pressed against him and kissing me hard, not giving a damn that we’re not alone, and I carefully maneuver my body so that it doesn’t hurt the bruises hidden beneath his shirt.

Ignoring the disapproving throat-clearings, Kode kisses me like he’s flipping the world off, and I kiss him back with the same intentions. This is going to be a good day.



“I’m too full to eat another bite,” I groan.

Kode laughs while taking a small bite of the third piece of chocolate cake he has ordered. He might have a badass personal trainer to keep him from feeling guilty for eating so much, but I don’t.

“Just one more bite, Tria, and I swear I’ll leave you alone.”

He’s enjoying feeding me apparently. I’m fairly positive every woman in the restaurant is officially green with envy, because Kode has been against my side since we got here, and he has been feeding me dessert like it’s his mission to make me fat.

Opening my mouth, I let him slide the forked bite inside, and I close my lips over it. As he pulls the fork back through my lips, he smiles down at me, looking boyishly adorable and excited. I suppose going into a sugar coma or getting sick from a sugar high is completely worth that look.

He wipes the corner of my lip with his thumb before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to my lips. Yeah… there’s not a woman in here that doesn’t hate me right now. And I love it.

“What time is your meeting in the morning?” I ask as he pays the waiter, reluctantly. I think he wants to keep me in the public eye at his side for as long as he can before we have to go back to covert lovers.

“Nine. Let’s head back. There’s something I sort of need to discuss with you.”

The frown that replaces his smile has me worried. It’s barely eight at night right now, and I expected us to stay out a little later. Not here, but somewhere.

“You look worried about something.”

He’d better not be breaking up with me. That look is filling me with too many insecure thoughts.

“I am, but I hope you’ll see things my way. Come on. I’ll explain everything at the hotel.”

I have no idea what that’s supposed to mean, but it fills me with dread. He helps me out of the small, curved booth of the intimate, underappreciated restaurant that definitely surprised me with its food.

Deciding not to dwell on the fact he suddenly seems uncomfortable, I try to shift the subject. Maybe I’m overreacting.

“That was a nice place. How’d you find it?” I ask as we reach the sidewalk, leaving the hidden gem behind. The hotel is just a couple of blocks from here, so Kode wraps his arm around me and steers me in the direction.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance