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This is probably the most nervous I’ve ever been. I don’t know if it’s because this thing with me and Kode is finally real, or if it’s because I’m wearing a button-up shirt of his, with nothing else on underneath.

He can win the damn bet. Pete Mercer won’t be able to touch me. As sick as it makes me feel that Kode was hurt, seeing those marks on his fists… Well, it may be wrong, immoral, and possibly twisted, but I love knowing that he fought like that because he was protecting me.

Rain’s number shows up on my phone, and even though I don’t want to answer her right now, I also don’t want her calling while Kode and I are ending this stupid drought.

“Hey,” I say casually, trying not to let my nerves carry over to my voice.

“Finally!” she barks. “I’ve been worried to death about you. Pete was—”

“I heard,” I interrupt, not wanting her to give me the details.

Corbin came over earlier to check on Kode. Fortunately I had clothes on at that time. He gave me the details, including Rain being there shortly after the fight. I hate that she was there for him and not me.

“Then I guess you heard Kode charged in like an idiot and nearly got himself killed.”

I swallow hard against the lump in my throat. Corbin also gave me that gory detail. He also pointed out that Kode might have killed Pete if there hadn’t been a herd there to hold him back.

“I did hear that,” I say weakly.

“I swear. I don’t know what to do about him. It’s like he doesn’t think. We’re not kids anymore, but he can’t seem to stop fighting like he’s one. I’ve been talking to the guys, trying to figure out a way to talk to him without pissing him off. I’m the only one of us that he actually listens to, so it’s up to me to figure out how to get him to stop losing his cool before he gets himself into major trouble.”

I realize she has no idea that she’s offending me, but it’s still p

issing me off. She doesn’t have to do anything with him.

“Kode is grown man, and he’s not the one you’re marrying. Don’t you think it’d be a little odd to show him so much attention when you’re engaged to his brother? Especially given your history together?”

Why did I have to bring that up?

“It’s not like that, Tria. Kode had a thing for me, but he’s over that. My attention toward him is sisterly, not romantic. You know this. Dane certainly knows. But Kode is, well, he doesn’t have anyone besides me and the guys to look out for him. Their parents are great, but they don’t interfere in their lives. I’m good at meddling.”

I don’t know whether to scream at her for wanting to be there for him, or if I want to thank her for being such a good friend to him. This is all becoming a mess. I also want to thank her for acting as though his attraction toward her wasn’t as big a deal as I initially thought. That’s twice I’ve had that downplayed, so it makes me feel better.

“Rain, it’s not on you to fix Kode. Personally, I think you should trust that he has reasons for everything he does. Kode didn’t get this far in life and have the success he has because he’s reckless.”

I realize I’m essentially giving myself away right now, but I don’t care. It doesn’t feel right to hear her criticizing him, even though she’s only doing it out of love and concern.

“You sound very defensive. Considering what an ass he has been to you lately, I assumed you’d be very onboard with me trying to make him change.”

My smile forms without my permission. “People are who they are. They change how they act based on who they’re with. Kode might be different than even you know.”

Yeah, it’s a crappy jab at her, but I’m only human. And Kode is different with me than he is with anyone else. Not because I expect him to be different, but because we’re all different based on who we’re interacting with. I used to bring out the worst in him, but now I get to see a side of him that no one else does.

Kode’s car pulls up as Rain continues talking about his behavior toward me. She just doesn’t understand. No one does. Hell, even I don’t understand.

I stand at the window, watching him as Rain becomes forgotten. Dale and he are speaking, both of them looking rather confused. They weren’t gone a terribly long time, but I managed to get everything packed—since I was incredibly excited.

“Rain, I love you, but I’ve got to let you go right now.”

Kode waves at Dale before he heads toward the house, leaving his car in the driveway instead of pulling it into his spacious garage.

“Fine. Talk to you tomorrow.”

I hang up, put my phone on the windowsill, and just watch as Kode nears the door, my eyes inexplicably glued to him. His black T-shirt fits him just right—not too snug, but not too loose. His jeans hang in that way that has me biting my lower lip as he uses his sexy gait without knowledge.

The door opens, and Kode’s eyes immediately find me standing in the foyer. His smile slowly spreads, and I don’t waste time. Too much time has already been wasted.

I move to him, trying to be sexy, but I’m fairly positive I look too eager to be sexy. Fortunately, he doesn’t seem to mind. As soon as I reach him and tug him to me, his lips come down on mine hard.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance