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“No problem, old man. Two weeks and the girl has domesticated you.”

I flip him off, not bothering to tell him this thing between us really started over a month ago. He still hasn’t figured out that Tria was the girl from the bar that I dumped them for that night.

The front door opens and shuts, and Tria’s voice fills the house immediately.

“Well, I definitely have the underwear portion of the trip covered. I hope you like lacy—”

Her words halt immediately, and the sexiest piece of lingerie I’ve ever seen is quickly shoved back into a bag as her cheeks turn twelve shades of red in an instant. Her mouth opens and closes several times in an attempt to dig herself out of that hole.

Corbin restrains his laughter, but his body shakes from the silent riot going on inside him. I’m openly grinning at her, taunting her without any shame.

“By the way,” I drawl, “Corbin is here.”

She squeaks when she tries to speak, and then quickly clears her throat. “I’m… um… I didn’t… um… no car.”

Corbin’s laughter sneaks out, but he coughs quickly to cover it up, and then smothers the dueling sounds with his hand. After a beat, he finally manages to explain.

“I walked here from the coffee shop down the street. My car was blocked in, and this was where I was coming anyway. Seemed to just make sense to walk it, as opposed to waiting for the jackass to come out and move his illegally parked car.”

Her face is still scarlet, and I stand to walk over to her. That bag is definitely getting packed. I want a better look at whatever lingerie she was just swinging around.

“Stop freaking out. Corbin has seen more lacy underwear than a Victoria’s Secret model.”

Corbin bursts out laughing, but Tria’s face only blushes deeper as she scolds me with her eyes. After I take the bag from her, I peek inside. Yep. It’s going to be a hell of a weekend.

“Corbin figured it out the night of Maverick’s party,” I say distractedly. Is that a corset? Shit. She’s going to make it hard to leave the hotel room, and I really want to take her out on a date.

“Oh,” she says on a long breath. “I guess it was obvious, since he was in the booth with us.”

I put the bag down before I start getting hard. Corbin doesn’t need to be here if that happens.

When I turn around, Corbin has a daring little grin on his smug face.

Tria stands beside me, her body stiff enough to break. So I take her hand and tug her over to the oversized leather chair. When I sit down, I drag her onto my lap. To my surprise, she relaxes against me almost immediately.

“We’re giving Maverick a redo party. Rain call you?” Corbin asks her, trying not to dwell on the awkwardness.

“Yeah. Um… She called me a few minutes ago.”

“Then I guess I’ll see you two later.”

Corbin grabs his coffee before he stands and leaves us, as Tria groans and buries her head in the crook of my neck. “That wasn’t embarrassing at all.”

“Maybe we should just come clean,” I say thoughtfully, even though it sounds incredibly random.

“After the wedding,” she says, snuggling into me. “People will have plenty of speculations to make, and it will distract from Rain’s wedding.”

As much as I hate to wait another month, I agree with her, begrudgingly. I’m sick of hiding her, and I want the fucking world to know that no one else can touch her.

My phone buzzes, and I check it to see it’s Dane who has sent a message. A groan escapes me when I see the updated location of our redo party for Maverick. Dane and Rain’s house. Fuck. Now I’ll barely be able to touch Tria.

“There’s no way to change your mind about that? Because I’m not looking forward to spending all night without being able to touch you.”

I show her the message that states the change of location, and she sighs softly.

“It’s just one night, Kode. You spent eleven years hating me. You can pretend as though we’re nothing to each other for one night.”

I don’t know why, but it pisses me off that she can say that so easily.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance