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“Can you be there?”

My eyes go wide as I look up to meet his gaze. “I can’t just show up to a party I’m not invited to.”

“I just invited you. I’ll tell Dane I invited you because the guys and I are trying to make you more comfortable around us by including you.”

Rain probably didn’t ask me to come because she thinks I still hate the Sterling boys. They’re not as bad as I initially thought. Dale is actually almost as nice as Dane. Corbin and Maverick are surprisingly smart when it comes to business. And Kode… well, Kode has layers I didn’t know could exist inside him.


He grins as he runs his hand down my ass, cupping one side with one of his large palms.

“Be warned—I plan to get drunk. And I’ll probably be all over you before the night is over. So you’ll have to get me out of there if you don’t want everyone seeing me pin you up against the wall.”

I shouldn’t giggle like an idiot, but I do. Just knowing that he’s admitting he can’t keep his hands off me is nice. Because for once, it’s me that someone sees.

Chapter 9


“You suck,” Corbin says, frowning at me.

I glance at the door again, still waiting on Tria to come in. I only left her house an hour ago to run home and change, then get to Silk in time for Maverick’s birthday party.


?Why?” I drawl, trying to feign interest in my cousin.

“Because after you left, my damn badass streak came to an end. I had a triple bogey on the thirteenth, and a double on the fourteenth. Then I hit the damn thing into the water on the fifteenth. I think you were my good luck charm.”

Laughing, I finally look over at him. “Sorry. Had something important come up.”

His eyes narrow suspiciously, and he stares at me for a minute. “You dating someone? Because you’ve been acting different lately. And you’re not sulking over Rain anymore.”

Rain is the last thing on my mind these days. It’s as though all of my other feelings have been stripped, laid bare, and finally exposed as what they are. She’s my friend. For the first time since I was a kid, I see Rain just as she sees me.

Tria wants me. She lets me touch her, hold her, do whatever in the hell I want to with her badass body. And she kisses me like I’m the only thing that matters every time I’m with her. There’s no hesitancy in her touch. And she’s not waiting on someone else to take my place.

It feels damn good to be wanted by the person you want. It’s also a feeling I’m not accustomed to, but quickly getting addicted to. I feel high every time I’m with her.

“Hello,” Corbin says in an exasperated tone. “I asked if you’re dating someone.”

Shrugging, I turn my attention back to the door. “Not yet.” It’s not a lie, per se, but it’s also not the truth. Maybe after the wedding happens, Tria and I can discuss something more serious. I don’t want a real relationship until I don’t have to hide it, and until we sort through what’s going on between us, we need to keep it quiet.

“Rain is running late,” Dane says with a pout as he joins us.

I used to feel the jealous rage course through me when he relayed any message from Rain, but now… nothing. It’s actually amazing to feel… free.

“Why?” Corbin asks.

“Raya showed up at her house. Kade… Man, Kade’s in a bad place right now. He’s taking his grandfather’s death hard. Rain called Tria, so she’s on her way over to help out. She might stay with Raya so that Rain can come and be here for Mav’s party.”

Shit. Why didn’t she—

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I quickly pull it out to see I have two unread messages. Well, hell. I guess she did try to tell me.

The first one is from twenty minutes ago, essentially relaying everything Dane just said. The second is from right now, and it’s her saying she’ll try to come see me if Raya gets to feeling better.

“Should we go talk to Kade?” Corbin asks.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance