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“Go dance with Rain. I’m going to go dance with your brother,” she says while pulling me closer. “She doesn’t get to dance with her father, so she should get to share that dance with her best friend.”

I smile down at her, and spin her to me before kissing her, thanking her for so many things in that moment. It was certainly a hell of a road to get her to realize that it was her I wanted, but it was definitely worth it.

“I really do love you,” I say, kissing her nose while pulling back.

“Obviously. You’d have killed me by now if you didn’t.”

My laughter comes out as she grins, and she heads over to ask the groom to dance. This gives me a chance to thank Rain for something it took me a while to figure out.

Rain smiles as I proffer my hand, and she takes it while standing up. I pull her to me like she’s my own blood, and we dance like the best friends we were always meant to be.

“Thanks,” I say, moving her through the crowd that has begun to gather.


“For hiring that guy to fuck with Tria that night at the bar. It was clever; I’ll give you that.”

She snickers while tilting her head. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Rolling my eyes, I continue the formal waltz, my years of stupid ballroom dancing at my family’s parties paying off right now.

“I was too drunk that night to put two and two together, but when I sobered up it all seemed to fall into place. I knew I had seen that guy before, and I finally figured out where. He works for Dane. That can’t be a coincidence. And I’ve seen you talking to him numerous times. You wanted me to lose my mind when he touched Tria, but only after he touched you and I did nothing.”

She shrugs, grinning lightly. “When drunk, you never were too perceptive of others fucking with me unless you were right beside me. But with Tria, you’re aware of her every move no matter where you are in the room. If I had done something like that, I would have factored that in. And if I had done that, then I would have told Corbin to get you to back away from her so that this hypothetical plan could go into action. And if I had done that, then I would have known that Tria would have done all that was necessary to keep you from going too far. And if this was real, I would have warned the guy he’d end up with some sore part on his body, but that I would make sure he was very well compensated. And I would have told the guys to stand down so th

at she could handle it. And if I had done it, I would have known she’d see the truth, and that it would be the breaking point she needed. If not, then I would have had a backup plan.”

I grin at her. “That’s a lot of ifs.”

She shrugs one shoulder, then says, “That’s because it’s a hypothetical situation.”

“It was a risky hypothetical plan. I was drunk, and with Tria, I’m touchier than I’ve ever been with anyone. What if it had pissed her off?”

Her grin is calculated, like she’s the mastermind of an elaborate scheme. “Tria is too defensive of you. She wouldn’t have done anything if she was worried about someone getting mad at you. So, that would have also gone into that plan. And she would also be vulnerable to your groping attacks.”

Laughter falls out of me, and she grins victoriously just as Maverick comes over to steal her away.

“My turn,” he announces, kissing her forehead as he pulls her close.

Walking away, my eyes search for my girl. Dane is now dancing with our mother, so Tria is mingling within the crowd somewhere. While searching, I notice Kade Colton. He’s alone at the table, looking unapproachable as he drinks wine. If I knew what to say, I’d go over there.

Raya is dancing with her father, and I can almost feel the tension between her and the Colton prince from here. Wren moves to the chair beside Kade, but he seems to be getting ignored as Kade focuses on nothing in particular, numb to the world around him.

Ash is in Tag’s lap, kissing him leisurely, and Melanie is holding Trip while he plays with a set of toy keys. Turning again, I find Corbin propped up with his phone in his hand, smiling at the screen like he enjoys whatever he sees. Really don’t want to know what that’s about.

No Tria. She seems to have gone missing.

As my eyes continue to scour, they land on Dale who is chatting up a pretty redhead, and I laugh when she runs her fingers up his chest. Britt is sitting with Dad, and he’s flipping through some of the comic books she brought. She’s enjoying things a little late in life, but it’s a childish enthusiasm she was robbed of when she was an actual child.

The girl I’ve been searching for finally catches my attention. She’s with Ethan, her cousin, and they’re talking off to the side. I start moving toward them, smiling when she gives me a wink. But that smile concerns me. Why is she giving me her best mischievous smile?

“Hey, Kode,” Corbin says while coming toward me, grinning like he has something juicy to share.

“Yeah,” I grumble, already getting concerned. Between Tria’s smile and Corbin’s smile, I don’t feel so good about what’s going on.

“Man, you should have told me,” he says, knowing damn well I’m lost.

“Cut the shit. What’d she say?” I groan.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance