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Very slowly, he lowers himself onto me, running his hands along my sides.

“Say it again,” he murmurs as he drops a soft kiss to my chest, eliciting a shiver from me in response.

“I love you,” I whisper, sucking in a sharp breath and arching my hips as he continues moving lower with that divine mouth.

He teases me, swiping his tongue across my lower abdomen, and I swear under my breath, making him chuckle against my tingling skin. But his laughter stops when he reaches the spot where I want him, and he flicks his tongue across that bundle of nerves in a way that has me writhing beneath him, ready to explode after only a few seconds.

“Say it again,” he whispers against me before flicking his tongue once more, and I cry out, barely able to keep breathing, never mind talking.

“I love you,” I whimper, desperate for him to finish.

I start to curse him when he moves, but then suddenly he’s on me, in me, thrusting deep with one hard stroke, and I grip his shoulders as we both moan in unison. His lips find mine as he slowly draws back, and I bite his lower lip when he plunges in fiercely once more.

“I love you,” I say on my own, earning a growl from him as he sets a furious pace that has me clawing and making feral sounds that don’t sound human.

His forehead presses against mine as he grabs both of my knees, angling my body in a way that gives him more depth and more traction for his already hard thrusts.

It’s almost too much—too much sensation, too much desire, too much need. I feel like I’m falling and climbing at the same time, holding on while simultaneously letting go, and my body spirals out of control while finding a serene place of control at the same time.

When I cry out his name in unbridled ecstasy, arching off the bed as my body explodes around him, fireworks detonate behind my eyelids. I’m pretty sure I black out, because when I open my eyes again, Kode is stilling inside me.

His eyes open as he gasps for a breath, and he drops to me like he’s exhausted. I wrap my legs around his waist, kissing his head as he pants for air. He doesn’t seem as drunk, but he’s not sober either. I’m really glad he’s not one of those guys who suffers performance issues after drinking too much.

“I love you, Tria,” he says, grinning against my neck.

I smile like a fool while holding him tighter, and a content sigh flows from my lips. “Need five minutes?” I ask, smiling bigger when he laughs.

It might sound crazy, but I honestly believe Kode Sterling is mine.



“No,” she hisses, glaring at me while I grin triumphantly at her. She’s not getting out of this.

“You made a bet, Tria. Obviously I don’t want you doing it here, but soon. And somewhere public. You lost. I can recap the night you caved if you’d like.”

She puckers her lips in a pout that has my cock twitching happily, and I shift in my seat, making sure the affected area stays hidden under the table.

Rain and Dane are making their rounds as the newlywed couple, and Mom is holding her new grandchild in her lap. This isn’t the most appropriate time to tease her about collecting on our little bet, but I love getting Tria riled up. It’s not like she’ll ever follow through.

“You’re an ass,” she grumbles, sipping her champagne.

“An ass you happen to love,” I say, grinning over at her.

When her lips twitch, she covers her mouth with her hand to hide her growing smile.

“You two make a great couple,” Mom says from across the table, unaware of our private conversation. “Will you be getting married next?”

I strangle on my drink while Tria smiles mockingly at me. Marriage? I hadn’t even thought of that shit. Then again, there’s no way in hell I’m letting Tria go, so it’s not like it would be the worst idea.

“That’s not on the agenda just yet,” I say uncomfortably.

“Really? We discussed it the other night, dear,” Tria lies with her overly sweet tone that has me glaring at her.

“Oh?” Mom asks too brightly, clearly excited. Damn. “That’s perfect. Then you could start working on some more grandchildren for me.”

Tria is the one to strangle on her drink this time when the tables turn, and I grin over at her. Fortunately, Carrie asks to use the bathroom, and Mom stands to oblige and escort her.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance