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I have a standing order for any book written by Rain Noles, but apparently she didn't even write it under her name this time.

"No, but I'm looking for something called the Easton Boys."

She grins huge as hearts form in her eyes. "Why can't all men read romances? You sure you can't date me?"

I force a smile. Normally I laugh, but not today. She pouts while pointing to a large center display.

"Finally branching out and reading more than just Rain Noles?" she asks as I make my way toward the sparse looking display.

"Something like that,” I mumble absently.

I start grabbing them, trying to make sure I have them all. James said four movies, so I assume there are four books.

It's then I see the title of the first book. Meeting My Easton Boys. Right under it, I see the name that makes my heart speed up. R.S. Sterling. Rain Sky Sterling.

Seeing my name on her... I only thought my heart couldn't hurt worse. Then I open the cover to read the dedication page while Cindy rattles on about things that don't interest me.

To the real Dean Easton, I've been in love with you since I was thirteen, and I always will be. Thank you for giving me all that you did. Even if we didn't get our own story.

And to my real Easton boys, you guys gave me family when I needed it the most. I love you all.

I take it back. This hurts the worst.

I start grabbing the other titles, all of them. Maybe there's an answer somewhere in these. Always Better with the Eastons. Prom Night With the Eastons. In Love with an Easton.

"Here," I mutter, shoving all four books at Cindy. "Ring these up."

"Sure. You know, if you like R.S. Sterling, then you should try—"

"Ring these up now. I need to go," I snap, cringing at what a dick I sound like.

"Yes, sir. Sorry."

Good thing I read fast. I need answers now.

My heart has swelled and broken at least thirty times while reading these. If Rain is describing how she felt for me all those years ago, she loved the hell out of me. It makes me hate myself for not telling her how I felt. But why'd she run away from me the first time if she loved me so much? And why the fuck did she leave me this time?

Everything in these books actually happened, and every detail is precise. Even down to our dialogue. It's astonishing, really. I always knew how much Rain meant to all of us, but I never realized how much we meant to her. I sure as hell never understood how much I meant to her.

I'm almost to the end of the fourth book, and while I appreciate having a recap of our night together in Cancun—especially since Rain loved every second of it, apparently—I don't have any answers. I've spent a full night and most of today locked up in my room. Damn long books. I even missed the big band that came to my club because I was busy reading. I barely slept—three hours at most. But I need answers more than anything else in the world right now.

My heart stills when I reach the time in our past that doesn't make sense. Something that never happened, when the rest of the book was exact.

I held my breath as I put the letter in Dean's car, locking the door the second I was done. He loved me for one night, but could he love me forever? I wanted to think so, but I was always better at speaking on paper than in person. And if he said no, I didn't want him seeing my heart break in front of his eyes.

/> But he had to say yes. A life without Dean Easton seemed unimaginable, and even though I didn't want to admit it, if he said no, I'd lose him forever. I was risking everything we had because I wanted more.

I emerged from the book because I had the first answer of the puzzle. A fucking letter? She gave me a letter? I would have known if... No. Fuck. No!

My bed gets its first reprieve in hours as I leap off of it and grab my keys. I don't even bother changing out of my wrinkled suit as I head out the door, ready to rip someone in two.

I break every speed limit on the road and take curves without tapping my brakes. My tires squeal when I screech to a halt in the driveway of the massive house on the beach. I don't bother knocking as I barge in, nearly knocking the door off its hinges.

"Whoa, Dane! What the hell?" Dale asks, seeing the murderous glint in my eyes as I close in on the son of a bitch behind him.

"I'll fucking kill you. How could you, you bastard!" I snap, lunging at Kode and taking the first swing.

My fist connects with his face, and something crunches. Kode falls backwards as blood spews.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance