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I glare at him, debating on whether or not I should knock him on his ass.

"What the hell was that for?" I ask the grinning bastard.

"For making me smile like a bitch and gush like a bridesmaid, you fucker."

My smile returns as my laughter rumbles out, and Maverick rolls his eyes while following me to my car.

"Rain only has Tria and her assistant as far girl friends go. She might need another bridesmaid or two in the wedding party."

Maverick cuts his murderous glare toward me as I laugh harder, taunting him.

"Dick," he mutters while opening the car door.

Time to go get ready for step oneā€”tell Rain I love her.



"You okay?" Tria asks as we drive back toward Dane's. It's almost three in the evening now. The breakfast benefit turned into a much longer event, but it was so therapeutic. I honestly didn't know how much I needed that.

"I had cancer in my uterus, and they had to take it out. It wasn't gallbladder surgery," I say in a soft breath, shocking Tria into a gasp.

She slows the car down and turns onto a random road to keep us from getting back too soon. Leaning my head back, I stare out the window.

"Rain, why didn't you tell me that when I picked you up?" Her tone is almost scolding, and for some strange reason, that almost makes me smile.

"I didn't want anyone to know. I'm still dealing with the reality of what it means to lose that piece of me. I always pictured having kids. Now... now I can't."

I turn back to face her, and see her sad, sympathetic gaze that is coupled with unshed tears. I didn't tell her this to get pity. But I had to tell someone. Everyone needs someone to talk to.

"Does Dane know?"

I laugh humorlessly. "No. You're the only one outside of the medical staff that knows. Dane and I just started dating. This isn't a conversation to be had so soon."

She frowns as we complete our circle and end up in front of Dane's. "Do you want to go somewhere and talk?" she asks genuinely.

"I just wanted someone to know. It's hard to preach about not doing this alone, when I'm doing just that. Now someone knows," I say, shrugging while battling the tears I refuse to cry.

I've cried my tears already. I've healed. Now I have to move on.

"Thanks for considering me your someone to know," she says while reaching over and taking my hand.

I have a sister. A real, warm, sister.

"Thanks for listening."

She reaches over and hugs me, and I return the embrace, sniffling as one of my tears escapes. I need to ask her about what's going on with Pete Mercer, but we're both squealing and shrieking when the door beside me flies open, destroying all other thoughts.

"Sorry," Dane chuckles, and I take a vicious swing at him, prompting his laughter to deepen. "I said I was sorry," he says through his laughter as he dodges my flailing arms.

"You scared the hell out of us," I grumble as he pulls me from the car and kisses me gently on the lips.

He tilts his head as he pulls back, and he wipes away the lone tear on my cheek.

"What's wrong?" he asks seriously, his humor forgotten.

"Sister moment," Tria says from the car, quickly getting me out of trying to lie.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance